Operation T-Abyss Pt 2

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1 year earlier from Terragrigia panic

At the FBC building, Neuro was walking on the hallway where hunters attack but he killed them using his power. He groaned" Urgh!.....What a mess! I can't believe those guys launched a bioterrorist attack. And the terrorist called themselves ' Veltro '  That's a lame name"

He looked outside that the city was disaster, getting attack by army of hunters. BSAA assisting the FBC to rescue the survivor. Neuro did a deep sigh and started to call cyber through his U-watch.

Neuro asked"  Hey cyber, did you find anything?" and cyber said" Negative sir. I'm afraid i cannot track where veltro terrorist was. It would seem that they have escaped"

He said" Damn! Those guys are fast. I'm afraid i can't catch up to them" and cyber continues" And that's not all  sir, I hacked into the communication network. It would seem i found something. Some one you know"

Neurro said" Oh? Who was it?" and cyber replayed the voice that belongs to someone who was talking to another person:

Unknown Man: .....Enjoy the rest of the celebration on the queen Dido, Norman

Norman: Morgan.....You intended for the virus to break out on our ship. Well, we've certainly been had.

Morgan: I'm not done yet. You still have an important purpose. The ship serves as a controlled environment, and the data on your mutation will serve a venerable purpose

Norman: The boldness of your self-absorbed ambitions is impressive. I am always disgusted by what you Americans can dream up.

Morgan: I will take that as a compliment 

NormanWe knew that you could end up being a liability, so we have kept video records of all of our interactions. If the go public, your life is finished.

Morgan: You may do as you please. Use of the satellite has been approved. The new virus will be completely eradicated.

Norman: You bastard! 

Morgan: " Full soon shalt thou be where Thine eye shall answer make to thee of this, Seeing the cause which raineth down the blast" 

As it ended the voice from cyber and neuro said" Fascinating. To think that the commissioner of the FBC was helping Veltro terrorist although it always ends up to betrayal. Not only that i can't believe he decided to destroy the city with the solar energy satellite so that it would erase the evidences"

Cyber said through my communication U-watch" Sir, i suggest that we should leave before the solar energy satellite will hit this city"

Neuro said" Sure. I mean after all no one would believe that it was morgan himself even i don't have the evidence but norman does. Even the world won't believe the truth.....from the demon eye myself which i hate that nickname. Oh well Time to escape"

As he cut the transmission from cyber, running to the hallway which he kill few hunters again. Few seconds later, he made it to the room where there's 4 silver cylinders that has televisions which one of them is broken.

He spotted the elevator, heading there and push the button. He waited for it although it takes so long until 2 people of the FBC arrives before him.

Back in a present day

Neuro pov

It was success that we used the UAV drone to fooled the satelite but unfortunely there was a alarm. Jill and parker noticed the ship is moving due to the tidal wave as we took notice of the toppled containers, and busted...everything.

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