Operation T-Abyss pt 1

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(A/N First time to make the chapter from RE: Revealations but i have difficulties to made it up. Okay? So i hope you like my chapter i made even its hard for me to think of ideas)

November 30 2004 from years ago during Terragrigia panic(A/N i can't think of naming the place inside the building okay but you know the rest in RE: Revealation - The Terragrigia Panic Ep 3)

The city was under-attack by the bioterrorist organization known as Veltro. Some of people evacuate from the city. At the FBC building, Parker Luciani and his partner Jessica Sherawat were running through the hallway because they are ordered to escape the city in a helicopter by morgan lansdale. 

They heard that they're gonna used the satelite known as Regia Solis to wipe out the city just to kill all the monsters. While parker and jessica are still running through the hallway, they were attacked by few hunters but they managed to kill them.

As they take the stair to run up just to get the elevator on the 6th floor, they made it the 6th floor which lead them to the office room, then running through the hallway and made it to the room where there's 4 silver cylinders that has televisions which one of them is broken.

They noticed a mysterious hooded boy who was standing there beside the elevator. And that's not all, he also carries the weapons; sword and two guns. Parker and jessica pointed their guns at him as the boy turns on them which they cannot see his face through his hood and mask that cover the lower half of his face though they think he was wearing a cosplay.

Parker asked" Who are you?! You're not supposed to be here!" and jessica said" It is not safe for you....for a cosplayer that is"

The boy didn't reply which he push the button of the elevator that takes so long when they noticed a numerous hunters crash in through windows and they run to the hooded figure.

Parker pointed the gun at them and said" Kid stay behind us. We'll protect you!" as they shoot some of the hunters while waiting for the elevator to come down.

While they're continue shooting the hunters and protect the mysterious hooded boy, they hear the bell sound that turns out the elevator has arrive which made the elevator door open.

Jessica said" Let's go, parker! You too boy! Now's our chance to escape"

She run to the elevator first while parker and hooded boy were about to get inside when some of the hunters arrived again, preventing parker and the hooded boy from leaving.

Jessica who was in the elevator keep shooting at the hunters to prevent them to get near the elevator. Parker shoot them with his gun but unforntunely he's run out of bullets.

Parker was about to loaded the bullets on to his gun again. However, his attention was caught by one of the hunters running at him with its claws ready to strike.

Parker gasped but before he could do anything until a hooded boy jumped in front of him and slice the hunter in half with his sword. 

He was surprised when numerous hunters stared at the hooded boy who was holding the real sword as he said to parker" Hmph....I suggest you should leave while i'll deal with them"

Parker said" What?! But i can't just leave you-" before he could finish his sentence. The mysterious hooded boy activate his power, merge his blue flames with the sword and pointed the sword at the hunters, much to parker and jessica suprises

 The mysterious hooded boy activate his power, merge his blue flames with the sword and pointed the sword at the hunters, much to parker and jessica suprises

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