Chapter 18

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Life has been boring in these godforsaken stone walls. Everything looked gray and as usual, no one looked upon my face. None uttered a word other than their usual greetings at me... As to why their lips trembled, I am unsure. That would always confuse me. Not that I cared enough to question, of course.

"Have you still not found a suitable candidate?" The woman whom I must call 'mother' says.

"No. None suited my tastes."

"Excuse me?" She said with a frown, "Have you forgotten that we are in DIRE need of resources as well as gold due to the ongoing war against the Northern Kingdom?! And all due to your negligence in caring for that brat of a Queen!... Well Snow White?! Have you?!" She exclaimed.

"Pah! She is merely a bratty Princess acting Queen while her mother is sick in bed. What damage can she put upon our heads really?" Finally looking at her, I reminded, "And yes. Of course I have not forgotten. For I battled in the frontlines just a few days ago. Mother. I shall prepare for my next hunt so that you are provided with a ravishing meal, Your Majesty."

"You dare mock me..." She whispered, seething with anger. "I'll have you know, if you plan on putting off marriage for any longer, I will make a means to wed you with a trustworthy kingdom by force! And forget that peasant of a maid at once! It's been 3 years since her disappearance for gods sake!"

I bowed and went on my way to my chambers. Elvres had been sleeping on my bed while I was out and he flinched as I ran my hand through his thick fur. He purred and rubbed his head on my chest.

"Come Elvy, time to kill some deers."

He stretched in response and waited by the door as my gaze stayed at the crumpled up letter. The numerous lines in between the folds of the letter signifying on the frequent amount of times I've picked it up to read before bed.

"I am well. Take care of little Elvres for me. I've escaped my duties to marry a man who may provide me with riches. Please do not worry. - (y/n)" ...was all that was written on it.

I exhaled. Opened my doors.

"Gather the men." With the few spoken words, the guard immediately left with long strides, heading for the barracks.
Butlers were scrambling to slip on my equipment and light armor. Once outside, I hopped onto Elvres and rushed across the forest with my men. Holding my fist up, they halted.
A marvelously huge deer had appeared, drinking from a clear running stream a few feet ahead. I aimed my arrow at it and shot straight at it's head.
A man beamed, "Just as expected of our future king! All hail the prince!" Everyone else followed, "All hail the prince!"

I can't say that I have been going out on many hunts and battles because I liked it. I only liked the blessing of being busy. So busy that I didn't have to think about anything else other than killing and hunting. I couldn't stand the closed walls of my chambers... With the suffocating thoughts of her.

We forwarded deeper into the forest and saw a family of rabbits.


Like before, I signaled everyone to a halt and waited for the right moment to strike. Just as I was to give signal to go forth, an arrow struck one of our horses. This resulted in a havoc around the group of men as they tried to calm the shot horse down. I looked back at the spot of land where the family of rabbits were once eating grass, now gone.

"Argh!! We lost them! I told you I would've contributed better by just staying at home didn't I?!" A high-pitched scream was heard from afar.

How dare she...

I raced across the stream and pointed my arrow at a shocked girl with her annoyingly perfect locks of strawberry blonde hair.

"S-Snow!" She gasped and fell off her white stallion.

Her men pointed their arrows at me in return.

"This is my territory. What have you to do here?" I inquired. My men gathering behind me at once, doing the same as the opposing group by pointing their arrows at the blushing female.

She was frozen in fear as she realized the tense situation that we were in.


"Now now. Don't be so cold my dear Snow. You should know that this side of your land was already taken by my army. Why it was only a month ago. Have you forgotten?" She says with a contented smile. "Of course I would always be happy to give it back to you if we were to-"

"Funny. You talk as if you were the one who fought in the war. By decree of the main four kingdoms, a land is only yours once you have spilled the blood of the kingdom's sun, the King. Just because your men was able to get this far into my territory once before, does not make it so that you can strut along here to hunt my resources."

"Ahem." She stood up and patted down her now dusty breeches. "I'm new in this politics thing. Please pardon my mistake. Also, I was meaning to send you a formal invitation to my 19th birthday party! There will be tea, dances and your favorite almond pudding! Ahem- I requested it especially for you Snow! Hahaa... You'll bless me with your presence will you not?" She asked with fluttering eyelashes.

"So you'd like for me to enter the wolf's den now would you? Of course I shan't accept your offer. We are enemies at war now."

"However much true that is, I am willing to put a halt on this ongoing war we have." She says and puts a finger up, "That is... Only if you agree on one measly request. That is: dancing with me at the party. Isn't this a great way to finally give your injured men a rest my dear Snow? Unless you actually desire more bloodshed, soon-to-be King of the Fourth Kingdom?"

I glared at her and signaled my men to put their weapons down.

"Leave at once and don't expect much. I will have a discussion with the King and Queen first."

A large, muscular man helped her up her horse. "Oh, but of course! I'll be off my way now. Don't miss me too much as we will surely meet again during my birthday party. Toodles~" She says as she trots back on the back of her white mare, followed by her men.

The new Queen of the Northern Kindom is indded a hassle.

Author's note:

Yahooo! I hope you guys liked this chapter! This time it's a little different because we get to see things that are happening on Snow's side. As we can see, he's quite different now after 3 years of your disappearance.
Not the same innocent and gentle Prince we once knew and loved.
I have a surprise for ya'll coming soon in like 3~4 chapters and I'm kinda excited hehe 🦭❤️

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