Chapter 21

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Throughout the large ball room, the sound of champagne and wine glasses sounded. It was as if the sound was a broken record as mixes of people formed into new groups every few minutes with the intent of possibly gaining new allies...powerful connections... It was as if there was a line of people waiting to speak to me and was only interested in introducing their daughters.
I gripped onto the letter that was currently within my inner suit pocket. I felt safer with it in my possession so I brought it with me

"My~ What a grim face that is darling. Are the drinks not to your liking? I made sure that there were plenty of wine brought from the Nordemhime Kingdom. The most expensive one-",Orphell said.

"I do not care for this idle chatter. There are others waiting for their turn to congratulate you on this special day. Then." I lightly nodded my head at her and turned away, striking up useless chatter with other guests in order to avoid even more dreadfully useless chatter with the temporary Queen.

I could see the pain in her eyes that were reflected on my glass of wine.

It didn't bother me at the least.

"Prince Snow White. Why, what a lovely surprise! I didn't think you'd have come to the Queen's birthday party! You know with the war and all." The Duke of the Nordemhime Kingdom said as our eyes met.

"Now now Cortis! It's unbecoming of you to bring up something like that to the Prince of the Fourth Kingdom is it not?" His wife scolded, hitting him with her fan.

I faked a smile and took a sip of my wine.

"You need not worry your head over it. I suggest you ask the Queen over there about why she'd invite her enemy here. For I have no clue why she'd do such a stupid thing," I answered.

The duke laughs and taps my shoulder with his gloved hand.

"I know why you're here! Heck! Everyone knows why. You can win the war as easy as flicking your fingers." He eyes the temp. Queen from afar and smiled slyly, inching closer to my ear until his alcoholic breath touched my neck, "You only need to kiss her once and she'll call the whole thing off. Ain't that nice? What are you waiting for?"

I shoved his slinky figure away by the shoulders. At the same time, he tripped on his spilled drink. With his back on the standing table and his suit now wet with wine, I trapped him with my gaze. Unblinking. His breath hitched and his mouth was wide open. Clearly didn't think the once softspoken and observing prince would ever do something like this.

"Best stop there Duke Cortis. Unless you want to see what the Fourth Kingdom has in store for you and your family. I swear you will be torn apart by dogs that will eat your organs. I'll make sure you'll be awake to experience everything." I hissed.

People around us stared and whispered quietly to themselves about how much I've changed in the last few years. It was an endless loop of my bloodline's misfortune.

"War must've taken a toll on him. Poor thing... I don't even dare to look into his eyes anymore."

"Have you heard? The King of the Fourth Kingdom is slowly getting ill but can't get much medicine because the funds are being saved for the war effort."

"Look at him..! So high and mighty when we all can see which country is going to win."

"Maybe this is the end for the Fourth Kingdom's royal family..."

My blood was boiling. The ground spinned and every muscle in my body grew tense. As soon as I turned around, all of them went silent. Everyone went back to their own business.

"How distasteful." I murmured and made my way to the open balcony to get my mind off things.

How dare they..! Right in front of me! One day... I will make sure of it that any who bickers of nonsensical things shall not see the light of day.

I smashed the wine glass in my hand. Little shards of glass flew across the marble floors and a shard made their way to my left hand. A little yelp came from behind, causing me to swirl at the sound.


"Orphel..!" I exclaimed as I saw a girl dressed in a big, fluffy dress, looking at me with a worried brow. She had locked the balcony door that she was leaning her back on. "What are you doing..?"

"Snowy... Are you alright?" She asked softly as she descended the few blocks of steps towards me. She never left her gaze away from me, making me feel a little uncomfortable in a way.

"Why have you locked the door?"

"I just... I needed some time away with you, Snowy. Away from other people."

"Please... It's embarassing enough as it is with me being here." I sighed and looked down at my now bleeding hand. "Did you enjoy the show where everyone spoke ill of my bloodline?"

"Heavens... No! I only wish the best for you."

"Pah! Best for me? Look at the war. Everything's in ruins... Look at my father! Look at your mother!" I shouted and pounded the balcony's railings.

"Please just calm down for one second will you!Yes this war is awfully stupid. I fully agree with you. But what did you're country ever do other than attack my country without ever talking with us first. Because of your father, my mom wasn't able to get any medicine. Do you have no knowledge of how all the merchants who enter my country mysteriously dies the next few days with their heads cut off? How do you know that your father isn't involved in such heinous crimes on my land?!" She shouted with a heaving chest, out of breath.

"Ah.. yes. That rumor. That is incredibly false. Why kill merchants when we barely have enough resources to feed ourselves. We don't have the time for something as childish as that. It must have been done by someone else. Also, it was your country first who threatened mine. That in itself is already the start of war." I retorted back.

The air was quiet and the only thing that could be heard were the sound of the violin and piano in the background. We only stared at each other for a while until she sighs and looks down on the red carpet floor.

"Do you want to know a way to stop all of this with only a flick of a finger? I've been thinking about it for awhile. Though I know you probably think it's crazy." She said quietly.

I turned my back to her and rested my arms on the large marble column. I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"What?" I asked.

"Marry me. Marry me and everything will be over." She stated plainly.

Author's note:
Hey ya'll,
🥲 just started my uni life and it's so hectic wth... Anyway the present I've made for u guys a while back will make an appearance in one or two more chapters!
I hope everyone's safe and are using your masks when going out :)
Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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