Chapter 5

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"Snow, you're awake my Prince?" I asked with a warm smile.

"Hrmm..." he sat up, "Yes. I wonder what time it is right now.. it's dark."

"I'm not too sure, but most definitely the morning. We should head back to the castle."

He stood up and gave me a hand, "Let's go." He said.

I took his hand and we headed back to the castle gates. We carefully sneaked inside the castle without getting caught.

I felt like I forgot something important to do. I'll think about it later.
We went up the stairs silently and stopped by Snow's bedroom door.

"Alright, master Snow. This is where we will part tonight. Take care." I bowed and walked away.

Before I could leave he caught my hand, "Wait! I have something to give you." He exclaimed.

I turned back and stared at him  as he fidgeted a little. He then opened his mouth to speak. He stares at the floor.

"(y/n), I feel like you are very independent and you are very caring. You work really hard in these castle walls, I have seen that. So um.. I wanted to give you my gratitude. A light red carnation symbolizes admiration! And I..." he looked up at me and smiled shyly, "I admire you very much."

I stared up at him, baffled. He embraced me and I almost melted to the ground just feeling his warmth.

"I'll see you soon! Thank you for following me this night..!" He said and went inside his room.

I looked at the carnation in my hand and brought it near my nose, I blushed.

This is the best gift I got from anyone... my first gift from someone who aren't my parents. If this keeps up, I might fall in love with him! (A/N: lol I didn't mean for you guys to fall in love that fast but if I were y/n I would definitely fall in love with him by now XD) He is too sweet and kind. His warm smiles puts a smile on my face and his embrace just now was... But a simple and poor maid like me? Nope, that's just not right.

I realized of the task I was supposed to do, laundry. Eric is going to get so mad at me. Ugh.

I ran towards the laundry room and put in the dirty laundry of the royal family into the washing machine. (not sure if there was any washing machines back then but...^^)
The sky was so pretty with the sun rising like that. I felt my face feeling hot again thinking of what happened with the prince. A hug is not something you could just forget! I looked at the flower in my hands.

I should put it in a vase soon or it will wilt easily!

After a while, I took out the washed laundry and hanged it out letting it bathe in the sun.
The smell of clean fabrics always makes me calm.
My shift ended so I proceeded to go home.

When I reached home, I placed the flower in a small vase near the door.

"Grandma! I'm home~ Want to eat some porridge? I got some fresh fish from the market!" I shouted.

I opened the door to my grandma's room and poked my head inside. I gasped and fell to the floor.

"Grandma... Wha-WHY?!" I sobbed, "N-no!"

I quickly took her arms and put them around my shoulders, then I hurriedly wooshed out the room with my arms around her legs. Everyone stared worriedly at the horrible scene. My chest heaved as I panted heavily.
I passed a lot of citizens. They were pretty rude as I accidentally bumped into them in a hurry...
My mind couldn't think of anything else other than my grandma! What if she is really leaving me now? Will I be alone forever?

No! She must be fine! My life has no meaning without her..!

I don't want to be alone again.. like last time.


The doctor said that her heart was really in it's worst condition and her lifespan could only be extended for another week. I was in shock. I used all my savings for the hospital bills and now I have no money left.. But if it's just to have a few more days with my grandma then.. I would give anything.

I wanted to stay at the hospital but I couldn't reserve a private space because I had no more money left. Only a little bit for a few weeks of rice and leafy vegetables.. I'm glad I could just boil sink water for when I'm thirsty.

I looked up at the sky and saw its starry views. I spent a day in the hospital and tomorrow morning would be the time to go to work. I haven't eaten anything yet for a day or so...
It was as cold as autumn nights right then even though it was still summer.
I hated myself for not being there for my grandma.. but out there working for the royal family. The royal family.. if only I were not to work for them!

No... They didn't do anything wrong. It was I who played around with the prince by the flowerbed, enjoying my time thinking everything was alright. I didn't even think of my grandma for that time I was with him.

My eyes felt very hot and my legs felt like there was no life in them. I was so stressed.

I arrived at my house and immediately plopped down my bed.
I couldn't sleep.
I couldn't think.
I couldn't move.
I couldn't eat.
I could still breathe.
It felt like the most unbearable thing ever.


So basically I am sorry for this depressing chapter and sorry for the most inactive updates EVER! I was pretty shocked when I came back to wattpad and saw that a lot of you wanted me to update the story quite bad! Lol..! Well thank you if you had patience waiting for me, where ever the heck I was..
Honestly I feel like some people in my life just don't care at all about me when I care for them. I really hate that feeling! They only like to listen to the cool bros u know what I mean? Gosh... my friend is also having this problem.
Well anyway.. I'll try to make another chapter soon since it's like 1.30 am right now hahaha!
If you read until here, THANKYOU SO              VERYMUCHHHH!!! 😍

My Sweet Prince (Male! Snow White x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now