Chapter 15

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As I called out to the guard, I would like to say something but I just stayed quiet... Not knowing what to say.

"......" The guard went on his way, not saying anything.

I could see that Ignis was really angry.

"Why didn't you continue?!" He mouthed to me and was pulled away with a rough tug from the guard.

Ahh... I'm really hesitant on fooling the guard! It's too risky!

I got my lunch and I have to say... It was not as bad as I thought.. I mean, you have a meal. Of course, it's some pretty dry rice they put in here but there's soup! Sour though... But if you have a positive mindset it tastes pretty heartwarming... At least the soup was warm.

After taking a few spoons I sighed.

Who am I kidding? This tastes like the weird jelly Dahlia always makes..! And I hate the weird texture..!

Dahlia is not someone who could cook like most of the other maids in the castle but she was one of the most kind-hearted ones there.
After thinking of the short but funny memories, I started to hum some songs that helped pass the time as I walked around my little cell.

After what seemed like hours, the guard came back with a gasping man, drenched in his own dark, red blood, leaving splotches of red on the ashy grey floor of the dead silent jail. The only thing that could be heard was the raspy breath of Ignis. All I could do was stare at Ignis in shock and pity.

"Agh..!" He cried as he was pushed into his cell, laying on his right arm.


"Food." The guard spoke and walked away.

Ignis stared at the plate of food distastefully for a moment and pushed it away with his feet. He caught me staring at him and took a long, deep breath. He tried to turn his body away from me, but it was too painful for him.

"Sorry." I spoke, trying to break the silence.

He closed his eyes and ignored me.
We were sitting in silence for the whole time. I awoke after sleeping a good 5 hours and got up.

"What's the point of keeping us alive here? They're wasting their resources on all of us and what? They torture us as payment. What a load of bull." Ignis suddenly spoke.

I turned my head to face him and my eyes softened.

"How long were you kept here?" I asked.

"I think about... 12 years. Or even 13. I wouldn't know. No calendar here."

"12? You should've been killed at the end of your 10th year shouldn't you?"

"I guess I'm just... Special."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, nothing. I'm just their favorite I suppose."

"You can't be serious." I said jokingly.

"I'm serious." He says with a grim expression.

Questioning the reasons why he would be their 'favorite' filled my head. The air was heavy and I could tell that Ignis wasn't going to talk anytime soon so I collected my thoughts to calm myself.

"You know... I was sent to jail just because I fell in love with someone I shouldn't." I started.

A moment of silence.

"Yeah. Same. But uhm.. It wasn't me who fell in love. She fell in love with me." He mentioned briefly.

"How does someone liking you put you behind bars?"


"Heh. First time I've heard of such a case."

He looked at me and smiled. It wasn't sincere, just a mask to tell me he has no intention of saying any more.

Days passed and once again, we tried to start another escape plan. Not on a guard this time.. It was the guard's daughter. She was in her 20s and she brought food for her father. Since Ignis is the guy here, he is going to make her pity him (due to his bloody and ragged appearance at the moment) and trick her to help get the prison keys from her father. Pretty smart if I do say so myself.

Footsteps alerted Ignis and I. We both sat up straight. A pair of dark eyes caught both of our attention. They were so pretty that I was enchanted for a second or so. The eyes looked at me and then at Ignis. Ignis slouched and acted tired. His breathing was raspy and his clothes looked a lot more disheveled than it had been a few moments ago.

The woman's eyes lingered on Ignis a while longer as Ignis' eyes looked right back at her.

Wonder how that works with his hair in the way.

"You!" She gasped.


"You?" Ignis asked dumbfounded.

The look in her eyes were those of a child who had just lost their mother. She lost strength in her legs and the tray she was holding dropped to the floor. She grabbed the bars and the ring she wore made a loud clang! ring out throughout the hallway.

"Brother!" She uttered as tears were forming in her eyes.

"What did you just say?" I said in shock.


Welp look who decided to show their face in town after a longggg ass time. Meee! I decided to finally update.. Haha. I won't lie, it's been so long that I was too guilty to even update this chapter at all! But I saw the comments and each and every one of them were about an update. I don't blame any of you 'cuz well... I haven't updated for a year ++! 😅
Sorry everyone!!! I have been reluctant of continuing this because I can't seem to continue this specific chapter for some reason. Although I already have the ending in my mind for a long time now! You may expect an update but not every week I suppose... 🙏 sorry please excuse my lazy ass and writer's block 😅😽 Goodnight ya'll!!!


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