Chapter 19

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The ringing of bells indicated the time of the day. It was now a sign for everyone to wake up and tend the fields in order to send it off to the capital. This was the way the poor could pay their taxes: through the donation of crops and wheat. I snuggled into my blanket and intended to snooze back off to sleep.

"(y/n)! It's time for breakfast." Ignis called from the kitchen. His voice was always gruff and loud. Like how a big grizzly bear was to sound if they were able to speak.

Always the morning rooster...

I groaned and forced myself to sit up. I've never been one to wake up early as he does. Heading for the kitchen, my senses were greeted with the delicious smell of fried eggs and fresh bread.

"Good Morning." I greeted drowsily and yawned.

"Morning. Heading out to fish soon. Wanna come with?"

Giving a short little hum, I sat down by the small round dining table. Harry came out of his room and his cheeks seemed to look a little pink when he stole a glance at me.

Hm... How curious... He's been acting like that ever since I baked him a cake for his birthday. Have I done something wrong I wonder... 

Giving out a sigh I tried to start up a conversation with him.

"Would you like some help with the field later? Or are you coming with us to go fishing?", I smiled.

Ignis placed three plates of bread and an omelet.

"Oh! Uh yeah, I'll head on with you guys if you don't mind it!" He answered skittishly and thanked Ignis for the food. Ignis guffawed and slapped Harry's back. The sound was so hard that even I winced a little, feeling as if Ignis slapped my own. I wondered if Ignis knew what was wrong but dismissed it. It was too early to start going into the heavier topics for me. 

Everyone had finished their food except for me for I was always very slow at finishing my food. Only in the morning, I promise. My portion was always lighter than the other two because Ignis knew that I couldn't stomach big meals first thing in the day. 

Everything was always quite lax here in the village of the Northern Kingdom. That is, only when we were at home. Outside our wooden walls, however, there was always a tense atmosphere among the folks. Especially if someone brought up the case about the Royal family and the past Duke and Duchess. Harry had told us of the story about the Death of said Duke. He said something about the past King tricking the Duchess into poisoning her own Husband. Which led to their downfall and disappearance. There's a rumor that he did what he did because of a bargain he had with the current Duke. From then on, the people of the Northern Kingdom were always on edge with each other because of one's own loyalty to the past Duke's family and the Royal family. 

"Alright, let's head for the lake!" Ignis said enthusiastically after ushering me to finish my breakfast and picking up his own bucket and fishing gear. 

"Oh hold on!" I exclaimed and quickly brushed my teeth by the only sink we have in this house. Almost gagging when brushing the tongue. After gurgling and spitting out tap water, I followed after the two men who were already waiting by the entrance door with their boots all tied up in a hurry. I squeezed my eyes shut when the sun rays bounced off of the dewy grass and directly into my eyes, Ignis followed with a snort. 

"Still haven't woken up from your long slumber, little lady?"

Grunting, I went on ahead of the two laughing muscular figures. 

Gods! I feel like a child. I'm twenty now!

The trip to the lake was calm as every corner we crossed buzzed with the sound of nature, and with the ripple-like breeze, our minds refreshed. 

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