Chapter 20

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Both Harry and I couldn't believe it... This man had somehow stolen the heart of the cold-hearted queen. She was so cold-hearted that even someone from the village of the Northern kingdom had heard about it. This burly man whose eyes could rarely be seen through those bushy red bangs.

"Pardon? You said, 'toxic love'," Harry repeated.

"Yes. Although I'd like to say that she fell in love with me... Perhaps it was the feeling of being loved that she was obsessed with," Ignis' eyes seemed to look across the horizon at this moment, "She wouldn't express any of her love... I think it was because she wanted to express the pain she felt from the indifferent treatment by the King on someone. What better way than to do it to a mere guard, am I right?.. I, for one, tried talking to her about how unfair it is for me that she belittles me like that. It was as if my feelings weren't anything important while her's were. She apologizes but then after that, she said that our relationship was just a one-time thing that could never be. From then on, I tried to keep my distance from her... As much as a personal royal guard possibly could. Things were quiet for a while and I could feel her staring at me at times. "

"Maybe her pride's too big. If she really loved you she would've mustered up the courage to talk to you and replied to your affections back." I said, feeling a little frustrated at hearing about the Queen's actions.

"Yes, that may be true... But alas, I am but a mere guard. I do not expect much from her, the Queen. However, she would throw me away and ignore me every time we shared a moment. That is, she was obsessed with the physical aspect of love that I could provide her with and my eyes that could only look at her. "

"Ahh... So she was using you for certain things. So you were only her plaything, yeah?" Harry thought.

Ignis laughs and starts to fold back his folding chair and packed up his things. "Yes, it appears to be so... After a while, I started to talk to this other girl. Long story short, the Queen saw me talking to her once and all of a sudden, she was never to be seen again. Said that she distracted me from my job or whatnot. We had a huge argument and she tried to get back into my life again with her lies of sweet nothings. No, Harry, I wasn't that much of a fool to get back with her. I obviously declined and said that I will just remain as her guard and nothing more. This next part you won't believe though! After a few years, you'd think her so-called love for me would've dissipated by then but no. She was still obsessed with keeping me for herself! So, what happened was, I was asking for permission to have one day of leave because of my upcoming marriage with this one other girl I liked. Instead of rejecting the request like a normal person, she placed me in the castle prison. She visits me every now and then but I refused to talk to her. Unbelievable. To appear before me after trapping me in that dirty, old cell like that, she got some nerve, I thought."

"Unbelievable? It's the opposite actually. It's the evil Queen we're talking about." I shrugged.

While walking back home, Harry started to talk about his own unrequited love life with a rich girl that used to be poor. They were childhood friends and things like that. If I was quite honest, I didn't put much effort to listen to his story because I was busy keeping my fish from jumping out of my bucket. They were a strong little bunch!

When we got back, a girl with a fit, curvy, tanned body approached us with a scowl on her face.

"Newcomer. A letter for you came but it came to my door. You gave out the wrong address to your friend or something?" She asked after spitting out on the ground somewhere.

"Oh my! My apologies Marrie... I think she miswrote the house number. I'll tell her to be more careful next time." I said with a slight annoyance at the end of the sentence.

She took notice of this and shoved the letter to my chest.

"Yeah, you better. Now stand aside. You should be grateful that I didn't even throw it out somewhere for my dogs to tear and play with you know." She stated and charged past me, bumping into my shoulder.

"Right. Thank you, Ma'am." I murmured while rolling my eyes.

Both Harry and Ignis stared at me, shocked.

"What?" I asked, annoyed.

"You've changed haven't you, kid," Ignis says and ruffled my hair.

Harry laughs and heads back into the house. I only cocked my head to the side on his comment.

"I meant that you were never one to show any sign of complaint. That just now, was a sign of annoyance was it not?"

"I just can't help it! She tries my patience every chance she gets. Wouldn't you agree?" I answered with a shrug of my shoulders.

Ignis grins and nods in agreement. "That is true. But hey. Perhaps she only wants to be friends with you. Maybe Marrie is a lonely soul," He says as he walked into the house.

Of course, she is. With that attitude, no wonder.

My eyes beamed when I saw the sender of the letter in my hand. It was Dahlia! Without a moment wasted, I tore the letter open so fast that I got a paper cut. It felt like a bite from a big ant but like a tiny slice on the skin. Bearing no mind to the wincing pain I felt, I unfolded the letter and read every word in utter silence:

"To my oh so dearest friend,

It's been a while since my last letter so I assumed you had gotten worried about me. I hope that is the case haha. As I told you before, I found the love of my life. The dashing, young, dreamy, dark-haired knight and I have recently gotten married. Shocker... Not. I hoped to invite you but alas, you are in no position to come back at the moment, yes? Well, there is no indication of your face or name in the missing person section of the morning papers. Still, it's best to stay cautious!

Also, I've seen guards patrolling around the main city square. Everything's so tense in the community nowadays due to the plummeting economy. The rising number of thieves in the city is so high that you can't overlook it happening in front of your eyes when buying food from the market. My! A little no-good scrawny boy snatched my shopping basket after I paid for it! My week's worth of food! Well, I don't blame him for doing that. I just can't believe that it had to happen to me of all people. Just my luck!

I hope you are well during these trying times. I have some shocking rumors for you. Praytell, have you heard that the Prince of the Fourth Kingdom will be to wed someone soon? That part is official as they are already in search of someone great to tie to the Kingdom. However, talk around town suggests that he might be looking at the Northern Kingdom's temporary Queen. You know, the explosive princess that seems to be all chummy with the Prince. Well, it is only a rumor. Said that it's to possibly put a stop to the ongoing war.

I hope you aren't too shocked (y/n)... Please write to me as soon as you can. I will be waiting.

From Dahlia."

Author's note:

How was everyone's week? I hope everyone could find moments of happiness day after day. It's been so long since I updated years ago that I kept being unsure of the names of most characters in this fanfic that I had to double-check if it was correct every time they appeared in the storyline lol. I should probably write notes on every character tbh...

Also, I am so excited for the English version of Rune Factory 5 TT! Have any of you guys heard about the series before?

Have a great one this week!

- Flarapan

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