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As I pushed in the code and the door opened, it dawned on me that I was entering a stranger's room for the first time.
What if there are traps?
What if he's into bdsm and stuff?
No no.. Think straight.

"what are you waiting for?", the impatient patient said somewhere from my embrace with an innocent look on his face.
Definitely not.

The door opened to reveal a room, as furnished as new. Perhaps it wasn't used much, or maybe this stranger had a knack for cleaning.
"T.. The bedroom?", I asked.

He only politely nodded.

I can't believe it's me who's taking a guy directly to the bedroom Lololol.

"Here... Carefully", I gently let him sit on the bed while my apparantly detatched shoulder gave in to the weariness as I sat right next to him.

"pffff.. I'll call it a day!"

"You can leave.", he intended to say this under his breath while it travelled along with his shallow sigh to my ear.

"I would...

If you hadn't begged me to stay last night.", I giggle at him playfully.

He abruptly turned around to face me with furrowed eyebrows and a grave-looking face.
If he could run right now, I'd have had to run twofold.
As if he knew he said it unconsciously, he let the matter go without any further debate.

"I'm only staying here because I know you wouldn't be able to get by yourself duh... How would you even eat?"

"I'll order takeout.", he protested.

"jokes on you because you actually have to walk to bring it inside.", I teased.

Knowing he couldn't win this one too,
after a few seconds he vaguely said,

"Wonwoo.. Jeon wonwoo"

The room fell silent once again.

"Took a long time to earn your trust, huh?", I smiled at him.

"Y/n... If you care to know."

"Jeon huh ...explains the card"

He never turned his back until I tossed one of his t-shirts from the closet onto him;
"here, change into this.
There's still blood on your shirt.

I can't help you change into pants hah", I laughed away the awkwardness as I proceeded to open the door,
"while I cook something for us... "

"Wonwoo", I side-peeked at him one last time before going out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

After rummaging through the wooden cupboards and the non-working fridge, I said loud enough to make sure he'd listen,
"Why don't you keep clothes in the fridge too?

Why is your house so empty?
Do you happen to sip on air?"

No reply came.
Maybe he wasn't able to afford it?
No way, with a bike like that
Even if he sells the headlight he'd earn enough to get by..
Anyways I guess I gotta be his guardian angel for some time.. Duhh

"Anyways, I'll go down get something readymade."

I'll come with you!", he said from inside the room in a slightly raised voice.
Maybe he was worried about the watchman.

"bring in two cups of noodles along with a whole ass extra 60 kgs of you?
No thanks I'll pass. "

"hmph", he quietly breathed out while I slowly giggled 'cause I heard it.
I picked my purse and looked at the floor number agin carefully.

Coming back after 15 minutes, I put the instant noodles to cook hastily because I was starving.
Then I knocked on his door to check up on him..
Only to discover that he was never able to fully wear the t-shirt.
One of his arms were properly in, but the other, which was supported by a bandage lay neglected, exposing his bare abdomen while he lay scrolling through his phone.
My eyes involuntarily trailed along his body, taking note of his snatched waist until he finally interrupted,

"I look yummy but CONTROL girl"

Taken aback from the sudden arrest, I stuttered, "I

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Taken aback from the sudden arrest, I stuttered,
"I.. I wasn't lo..looking"

"Yeah you weren't looking;

YOU WERE STARING!", he smirked.
It was the first time he had revealed anything close to a smile in front of me. I surely was surprised.

"and what is that.. Drool on your face?", this time he had successfully flipped me over like a pancake.

"shut up and let me...", I bent over him and gently took his forearm across the sleeve of the t-shirt while he struggled with some ouches.
Following this quest, we proceeded to eat the noodles out on the living room table.
Sensing the awful silence, I interrupted,
"Don't you have a TV or something?"

"no.. Why?"

"just to ease the boredom pabo-ya"

"what did you just call me?"

"I said jagi-ya", I smiled to the corners of my face.

While Wonwoo struggled to hold his chopstick using left hand, I controlled my laughter at him until he finally noticed,
"Im done with this shit", he slammed the chopsticks on the table.

In the fraction of a second he picked them up again,
"but I'm hungry.."

My laughter finally let loose.

After laughing aloud for about 1 minute, I noticed him staring at me and decided to cut him some slack.
"Yah.. Give it to me", I took his cup of noodles and blew some air on it before presenting it before his sealed lips,
"Say aaaa", I demanded.

Wonwoo only thought for a moment before implying with my actions and slowly but hesitantly opened his mouth.
The moment I fed him, he looked the other way.... And i realized...
Why is this making me happy?
Taking care of a stranger.. Why am I enjoying it? It's not like he means something to me? Does he?

"Stop treating me like I'm your seven year old.", he spared a few words.

And I noticed...
By now there had been established a sacred wall of sarcasm between us, we tended to take jokes easily and replied with things suited for a sitcom since we didn't have a television to watch one.
"Do you wanna watch on phone?", he suggested.

"watch what?", I asked.

"Umm.. Crash Landing on You?"


And that's how we ended up watching Captain Ri take an unnecessary responsibility which later on turned into his neccesity.


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Familiar Stranger// Wonwoo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now