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Night owls started telling tales when our kdrama spree ended and now was the major task to be done... Sleep.

But before that, another issue was to be taken care of.
Yes, nature's call.
Wonwoo was hesitant to say, but I understood that he needed a short walk towards the washroom.
I helped him up while he limped across the room to quickly reach the washroom.

"Do you need me in there?", I asked.

"I'm not weightlifting." he asnwered.

"anyways I'm right outside... I hope you don't...
Nothing just go"

So he did.

After a few minutes of blind faith in god, when I thought he would just be fine by himself came a THUD sound from inside, followed by a painful groaning voice.
I knocked on the door,
"Wonwoo? I'm coming in..
I hope you're dressed", I barged inside only to see that he was on the floor, helplessly groaning while holding his leg.

"Shit!", he cursed.

"get up get up", I grabbed him by the shoulder and made him fully lean on my body.

"Why am I so useless right now!", it was less than a question and more than an exclamation.
Wonwoo seemed neither angry nor distressed by this thought ;
Rather he looked disappointed...
In himself... For something he has no control over.

"Good for nothing!!"
He was frustrated enough to let a single tear roll out of his eyes.
Just how much pain would it have tolerated to have slipped right through his eyes.

"hey hey relax... I'm here I'm here",
It didn't occur to me that I now had shallow tears in my eyes while I held him down, face squeezed between my hand and my chest.

He himself didn't realize how he was now holding onto me like a child embraced by a mother.
I caressed the man in my proximity while he was leaning on.
As for me... I suddenly wished to care for him.
Care for him enough to make all his pains subside.

He must be able to hear my heartbeat.

did I just forget I'm a girl and I have the b double O b s.

As reality harnessed our backs, we pulled away from each other right at the same time.
"Ah..I... Lets go back", I offered him my arm to stand.
He gladly took it.

"Sorry... back there", he started,
"I was-"

"me too..

You don't have to explain. I understand.", I smiled at him while setting up my bed for the night.

He mysteriously stared at me for a good minute, without breaking eye contact. Maybe he was contemplating.
His face was blank, emotionless like all the time, but his eyebrows, maybe I am not too good at reading them, expressed some kind of hidden desire.
A desire to be exposed to vulnerability.
A desire to be cared for.

It didn't take me long to set my bed for the night, which just consisted of three bedsheets piled up since he didn't have an extra mattress or a pillow.

"You should sleep here", he slowly commented.

Maybe he was guilty that I was sleeping on the floor

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Maybe he was guilty that I was sleeping on the floor.

"Do you wanna be killed for Sport?"

My mom says I sleep like a
Road Roller... Haha", we both chuckle at my statement which succeeded in lightening up the air.

"Dream of a bright morning!", I said.

"what?", he questioned.

"My mother always says this to me... This darkness shall decease with the night alone;
Lets dream of a brighter morning."

Although Wonwoo was absolutely taken aback by what i said, I mean it was evident from his face, yet he nodded politely and went to sleep.
The night was dense, yet my sleep was as shallow as the surface of water.
Lost in thoughts about why exactly am I so willing to help an absolute stranger;
Should I just leave?
But.. There's a reason I want to take care of him..
Maybe because I sense some sort of loneliness in his eyes..,
Maybe he has someone to take care of him... everyone has someone.
But what if he only has me?
He doesn't look like danger to me for now.
Let's see...

My night went in turns and tumults.
Part of it, because it was a new place and my guard was up.. But part of it was because of this stranger I met;
who feels like has some connection with me.
Something which makes me want to stay.

As I walk out of the kitchen the next morning, the doorbell suddenly rang.
its not even my house, and as for Wonwoo, I dont even know him..
What if its the police?

"Quite an overthinker aren't you?", Wonwoo mystically appeared behind me, limping with one foot.

"Open the door, will ya?", he added.

Averting my eyes from him, i opened the door.. Only to realize...
It was a delivery man.

"Good morning ma'am,
your T. V. is here."

I was shook to the ground as I gave a disgusted look over to Wonwoo who was now whistling while looking in every single direction except mine.
"Yeah yeah get in", he smiled confidently.

As the man entered the house and started with his work of setting the tv, I dragged Wonwoo (gently) into his room.

"Wow wow I know we're alone but right now....?", he smirked.

"Shut up.. What's this?", I silently hyperventilated.

"Umm.. To pass time. I thought a TV would be good.", he answered normally.

"So you just order a TV the next day?

...Well you could be a psychopath for all I've known you is a single day." ,
I stated.

"umm I know.... I just happen to have those green bills whatchu call that... Money", he now smiled at me while ruffling my hair leaving me speechless.
What is this sudden heat!

After the man set the tv on the wall with Wonwoo reading its manual on the couch, I bid him thanks as I closed the door behind me.

"Couldn't you have spent the money on something worthwhile?
Like... Hello somebody here doesn't have clothes except this", I directed my hands at myself.

"then somebody should buy clothes for themselves.. I'm not your daddy?", he said without looking up.

I felt something popping in my chest.
I looked down to avoid the awkward.
He looked up.
I looked up.
Our eyes met.
The heat is at it again..
"I'm hungry.. And you're scolding an injured man madam.
I could sue you, you know?", he pouted after breaking the ice.

I tsked and turned to walk to the counter.

"Do we have ramyeon today too?

Imm kinda not a fan of instant noodles", he said in the quietest way possible.
Stop! You're making my heart feel things they shouldn't.


Familiar Stranger// Wonwoo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now