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Back at the Venue, I was standing anxiously wiggling my legs and biting my lips wishing someone could take me home. The mood was gloomy until a pair of hands took me in a choke.
No doubt it was her.

"Whoa there-", I said cockily.

"Before you say anything miss...
Let me introduce you to my.... Friend."
She gestured her hands showcasing the tall girl who literally snatched my friend away from me.

"This is Somi.", the girl smiled endearingly.

"Somi, this is my soul mate Y/n."
And I finally sighed of relief.
I'm still number 1 for her.

"Hey nice to meet you", I gently nod at Somi who bowed at me.

"I swear I'm so sorry for grabbing her. I was just so excited to see her and didn't wanna ruin the code-"
Somi panicked.

"it's okay it's okay", I assured her with a smile.

"Mind if I get drinks for us?", the connecting link between me and Somi walked away from our duo.

"So nice here.. By the way I'm Somi. Jeon Somi.", she said once again meaning to introduce herself personally.

"likewise.. And I'm Y/n. I kinda feel stuffy somehow.", I acknowledged.

"it must be the dress.
D.. Dont get me wrong...
It looks Gorgeous but every lovely thing comes with a price. Right?", her tone was sweet yet wise.

"yeah Right."

"by the way-", as I was just about to ask any of the details of the man I was shortly dancing with, my mother came right next to me.

"Hello Mrs. Y/L/n. I've heard a lot about you.", my mother chuckled at the compliment made by the new girl.

"You are so much prettier in person."
Although I'm not a fan of sugar coats,   
Jeon Somi surely had a way with her words.

"Thank you Somi, you're looking no less gorgeous than I.", my mother was absolutely resonating with her.

"So how is it at the Jeon's mansion?"

My mother's question took me by utter surprise.
I mean actually who doesn't
But damn....

"Yeah everyone is sweet and caring. It almost feels like home.", she said.

Wait a minute.

Why does this sound like.... Is she married into the Jeon's that's why that surname?
It could be the eldest son.
No no why would Wonwoo-

But what if...

Just a simple 'what-if' made me feel sunken. It was already enough that's the Jeon's were somehow in the same room as me that was giving me high blood pressure.
Now this over thinking.

It wasn't long enough when I heard a glass being tapped with a spoon.
That indeed meant either some old man was about to make a toast or some important announcement.

"Ladies and Gentlemen may I have your attention please?", a sweet yet assertive voice announced, sending a wave of silence across the room.
Now only murmurs persisted.

"I'm more than delighted to have your company this evening.
A magical night indeed.", I noticed it was the same woman with the white-golden masque.

"There's something I'd like to share with you all...
My sons are the best gift the almighty gave me and I'm glad they both love their mother as much."

Geez how cheesy.
Perhaps she is the host I believe.


"Tonight I'd like to make a special announcement regarding one of my sons.", by now all the silence had scattered and murmurs were heard all across the room.

I suddenly felt a tap on my back. I thought it would have been my best friend but rather it was someone else.
It was my mother.
She simply whispered in my ear.

"your father managed to bag this for you.
Do this for us."

With a slight push on my waist she set me into motion amid the fading announcement. I was startled the moment an exceedingly bright spotlight fell on me.

My glimmering gown seemed to have acquired a bunch of midnight stars while my eyelids flinched for a good second.
I looked back at my mother clueless about what was happening until realized what the lady was saying once again.

"... Sending lots of love your way.
Come here my love."
Perhaps that was an order.
I was stuck in an arranged engagement.

I walked with unsure footsteps looking behind to see my mom nodding with a half open mouth.
Somi was as shocked as I was and my best friend was probably drinking expensive alcohol somewhere.

As I walked with dread, I tried calming my self for all the cameras I didn't even know about were suddenly pointed at me.
Sooner or later I had reached the end of the pathway guided by the luxuriously white beam of light;
Only to see a man standing on the other side.

I had no idea if I should have been happy or sad for the fact that it wasn't the guy I met half an hour before.
It was not Wonwoo.
Perhaps is he already-

"worry about yourself y/n", I mumbled under my breath.

I looked back to my mom once again only to see her desperately trying to signal me using her fingers.. to smile.
Smile was the only luxury this party couldn't give me.

"Ahha what a lovely couple.", one of the woman chimed in.

"I'd like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/n for giving my son the hand of their precious daughter Y/n"

The crowd cheered and clapped a little too loudly.
At this time I saw the man standing against me flinching in nervousness for the first time.
It was evident from the way his stable mien suddenly took back a step or two.
He was wearing a similar black masque most men were wearing.
Was this man about to by my fiancé?

I noticed another figure shuffling in the crowd, slightly uneasily at the call of my name.
It was Wonwoo beneath that brave piece of plastic. I was sure of it.

Putting my focus back in front I noticed the man's slightly wavy black hair upto his shoulders and a well built body which caught my attention...
Until my eyes caught a sparkling metal at his pinkish lips.
My heart sank a little.

"Come on now let's do a face reveal my lovely kids.", if I was right, this woman in white-gold masque was Mrs. Jeon.

Then this person standing in front of me is....

The man took off his masque while all eyes including mine were stuck on him.
It turned out worse than it could have.
It was Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook.

Seeing this I sensed an urgency

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Seeing this I sensed an urgency.
The moment I took off my masque and nearly hesitantly looked up, there he was, looking stunned like a dear caught in headlights.

"Y/n" he gasped.


Familiar Stranger// Wonwoo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now