Chapter 1: My Feelings

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After Tohru tries to convince Akito to break the curse, she falls off the cliff and also loses all of her memories. This includes the wonderful memories she shares with Kyo. So he is determined to bring back her memories and then tell her his true feelings. (A Fruits Basket fanfic) Fruits Basket does not belong to me. It is thanks to Natsuki Takaya. Thanks for reading...enjoy:)

The sun was rising as Tohru stood in the kitchen, humming while making the Sohmas dinner. It's been a long time since she's been here with them. Without realizing it, she also became a huge part of their lives. They also became a part of her life too. She never even thought about what would happen after they, Yuki and Kyo and herself, graduated. What would become of their everyday life? She was too afraid to think about what would happen next. Instead she only cherished the times she spent with all of them, and even started to notice her own feelings towards Kyo. She decided to tell him her feelings soon, she'd have to confront Akito first though. She wasn't afraid of Akito...she was afraid that Kyo would get hurt because of her. Everyone knew that he was soon to go into the "Cat's Room". And so she was determined to break the curse.

"Tohru...I can't join you for dinner tonight." Kyo leaped through the window from the roof top. He jumped on Tohru's bed, and layed down. "I'm going to shishou's."

"Oh that's okay. Greet him for me will you?" She said as she folded the clothes. "How has Shishou been?" Tohru asked. She stopped for a moment and sat on her bed, fiddling with her hair.

"He's fine. I'm just worried about him dealing with Rin." Kyo sighed as he rested his head on her pillow. "Ever since she's been found. She's been such a pain."

"Don't worry! You'll always be Shishou's favorite!" Tohru blurted, and saw Kyo chuckle. She blushed and covered her face in her hair.

"Yeah yeah...Do you wanna come with me?" Kyo closed his eye's and Tohru looked at him.

"Sure." She smiled kindly at him. He leaped off her bed and ran out.

"I'll wait downstairs! We're leaving in five minutes." He said as he closed her door.

"Okay!" Tohru hid her smile. When she was done she ran out the main door and met Kyo sitting on his spot on the rooftop. She giggled as he jumped in front of her.

"What's so funny?" He narrowed his eye's.

"Nothing. Kyo-kun you're hair's messy now." She tried to hold in her laughter as he tried to fix his orange hair. He frowned and lifted his hand. "What are you doing-" It was too late, he messed up her hair and ran away. "KYOOO-KUN!" She laughed as she ran after him. When she caught up to him, they were already in front of Shishou's dojo. He stood outside waiting for him.

"I see...Kyo you managed to get Tohru-san to come over! I told you it would be easy. I don't know why you had to be all shy about it." Kyo blushed and started to yell to cover it up.

"WHAAA! SHUT UP SHISHOU! I WAS NEVER SHY!" He tried to punch Kazuma Sohma but could not land one. Kazuma pushed him to the side as he offered to let Tohru in.

"Tohru-san...he gets very shy when asking people to come over. I hope he hasn't troubled you." He whispered as she stepped in. She took off her shoes and nodded.

"Oh no Kazuma-san...He kindly asked me if I wanted to come." She grinned.

"SHISHOU! NOW WHAT ARE YOU TELLING HER?" Kyo ran in, pushing him against the wall.

"I was just about to show her you're baby pictures...Kyo." He chuckled.


"What? I thought you said you were never shy?" Kazuma corrected him. Kyo only ran as he pulled Tohru away from Shishou.

"Let's just go and make dinner." Kyo hid his blush as he led Tohru in the kitchen.

"It's okay...I'll make dinner. Since I was invited." Tohru giggled.

"The guest shouldn't make dinner for us." Kyo argued. "But since Shishou always burns the food, I'll help you make it." They stood in the Kitchen as they cut the vegetables for the stew they were going to make. When they were done, Kyo helped to put the plates on the table, and Tohru poured tea in their cups. She saw that there was an extra cup next to hers. "Is Isuzu-san going to join us?" Tohru asked. Shishou nodded and checked his wristwatch.

"She should be here right now-" Right on cue she came bursting in. When Tohru saw her, she skipped happily over to her.

"ISUZU-SANNN!" She cheered as she opened her arms wide. But Rin only stepped aside, making Tohru hit the wall. She rubbed her head painfully as she got up and tried again to embrace her. "Isuzu-san!" Rin only stopped her with a hand pressed against her forehead.

"What?" She hissed at her. She kept up this attitude just to cover up her true feelings towards Tohru. In reality she was really happy to see her, but she didn't want to show it, since Kyo was right there... and they were like rivals. "Why are you here?"

"Isuzu-san! I missed you! How have you been!" She struggled to push past her steady hand. "Oh and Kyo asked if I wanted to come over!" She squealed in happiness. Rin was starting to suffocate from her cheerfulness.

"UGH...fine you can hug me!" She said finally giving up. She lifted her hand and Tohru ran with all her might. She embraced her and rested her head on her chest. Rin could feel a smirk coming from behind. She turned her head to find Kyo smirking at her. "What?" She gave him a death glare

"Nothing." Kyo chuckled as he got up. "I'm going to use it." He said as he went down the hall.

"So...Isuzu-san. You have come to get information on how to break the curse right?" Shishou asked as soon as he heard the bathroom door close.

" did you know?" She said pushing Tohru off of her. "I did but why are you saying this in front of her?"

"That's because Tohru-san want's to know too. Am I right?" Shishou set's his tea down. Tohru stopped as she turned to face him. "I've noticed this for a while but...Tohru-san do you have feelings for Kyo?" Tohru blushed as they face her and she hid her face in her hands.

"Yes...I love Kyo." She mumbled. Rin stared at her for a moment.

"I hope those feelings you have towards Kyo aren't pity." He sipped his cup.

"You do know that soon he will be going into that room?" Rin said as Tohru looked down. She no longer had a bright blushing face on her. She looked scared.

"I know...and these feelings are not pity. I really love him, and I want to break the curse for my own selfish reasons." She said as tears dropped from her eye's, her face never looking up.

"I see." Shishou gets up and walks towards her. "You'll have to talk to Akito to get his permission first." Shishous smiled at her as he took her chin to make Tohru face him. "Don't cry. I love him too...I will do everything to keep him from spending his life in that room." He held her in his arms as she weeped silently. Kyo came out and glared at Shishou.

"Did you make her cry?" He asked angrily.

"No...she was just too happy to see Isuzu-san."

"Really?'re so weak." Kyo chuckled. He sat down to eat Tohru's cooking. Tohru rubbed her eyes and sat down beside Kyo. The whole time she could not face him. When they were done, Tohru said goodbye to both Rin and Kazuma. She gave them a sad smile as they left. Kyo only walked silently along side Tohru. She looked down as she was walking and closed her eyes for too long. She almost fell but luckily Kyo caught her in time.

"Watch where you're going! I day you'll hit your head so hard that you'll lose your memory!" He yelled at her. She looked down and sighed.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled. He panicked, and hit himself. She looked up surprised at him. "Kyo-kun!?" She asked concerned.

"Sorry for yelling at you like that." He tried to hide his blush but Tohru could see through his hands. She smiled at him kindly. "I'm still working on it." He mumbled. She nodded at him and they continued to walk home silently. Tohru struggled hard not to cry infront of him, because she remembered him saying that no one would care if he left. He was wrong...Tohru would care if he left.

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