Chapter 10: The unbearable truth

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"Ah..." Tohru spread her arms wide open to feel the wind outside. She was finally released from the hospital, and today was the day she finally got to go outside. The whole time they thought it was too risky to let her go outside at all.

"Tohru!" Shigure cheered as he waved her into giving him a hug, but she backed up with a confused look on her face.

"Oh...Shigure-san?" She looked down on the ground with a frown, "I sorry but I can't give someone I just met...a hug." Shigure frowned too and rubbed his chin.

"But I'm your husband-" SMACK. "Ow!" He rubbed his head and walked away.

"Idiot." Kyo mumbled as he grabbed the bag out of Tohru's hand. "Here let me hold that for you."

"T-thank you." She blushed and held her hands together. They headed towards the Sohma's house and welcomed Tohru. When they headed in, the house was dark and eerie.

"WELCOME BACK TOHRU!!!" Cheers came and the lights flashed on. Confetti flew everywhere and Tohru fell backwards, surprised.

"H-Huh??" She looked around.

"You guys..." Kyo face-palmed himself and helped Tohru up. He squeezed her hand, making her blush again. "She's still recovering from the fall!" He yelled angrily.

"Sorry..." Everyone yelled. Momiji leaped out of the crowd and grabbed both of Tohru's hands. "Is it true that you lost the memories of us?" He asked with a sorrowful face.

"Yes...momiji." She sadly smiled.

"How did you-" he stopped and smiled back. He was too sad to say anything more and he walked back into the crowd to eat some sweets.

"There's no hope for the there?" Rin asked Tohru. She shook her head and gripped her head.

"I don't remember any of you...but I know some names." Kyo looked back at her and she began to say most of the names out loud. " Yuki... Momiji... Haru... Kagura... Kisa... Hiro... Ritsu... Rin... Kureno..." She paused and began to press her hand against her temple, "There's more: Ayame... and Hatori. I remember those names but I don't know who they are. Can you tell me who they are?" She asked Rin and she nodded at her. She began to point the owners of each name and told them a brief description of them. They all began to sob out of sadness and happiness that she could still remember a little of them.

"Will she ever remember?" Kisa asked as she approached Kyo, he was eating some cake. He looked at her with a sad expression.

"I dunno but I'll do whatever it takes to bring back her memories." He said. Kisa nodded and sat next to him.

"Do you love sissy?" She asked as Kyo choked on his cake. He grabbed a napkin to wipe on his lips.

"H-Huh?" He asked.

"I want to know if you love sissy?" She repeated with serious eye's.

"Um..." He blushed and turned away, "Maybe...? It's none of your business!" Kisa smiled and stood up to hug him. She whispered something into his ear and his eyes grew wide. His hands formed fists by his sides and pounded on the table as soon as Kisa walked to Hiro. "He's gonna pay for this!" He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see who it was. It was Tohru.

"W-what's wrong Kyo-kun?" She stuttered with a cute smile. She sat next to him where Kisa was and she took a cupcake.

"Nothing..." He looked down on the tablecloth and put a piece of cake in his mouth.

"I wish I could remember everyone. I can tell that they are all great people." she paused and blushed to herself, "But I mostly wish I could remember you." She stood up and turned, "I wish." An arm wrapped around her wrist and stopped her from going any further.

"Stay with me."

"Huh?!" Tohru blushed even more now and she looked at the hand around her wrist. It let go and that spot felt warm all of a sudden, even when he let go it remained that way.

"Please stay with me Tohru. " He shook and put his head down. She pursed her lips and sat down again.

"Okay..." she agreed and moved uncomfortably as she placed one of her hands on his back. He flinched at first but relaxed as he chest rose up and down slowly. "I'll stay by your side..."

Kyo tried to blink back the tears but it was no use at all, none at all. What Kisa said to him was a shock...

"Akito told sissy if she jumped off the cliff and survived, he'd  released you from the curse."

Tears flew from his eyes and he wiped them with his arms, he didn't want Tohru to see him like this. He didn't want her to worry about this.

He finally knew why she jumped off the cliff and it was all because of him, not because of Akito, but because of him.! All because she wanted to free him from the stupid curse! If only he'd stopped her, if only he'd care and stopped her!!

OH...why didn't he just tell her he loved her?

All of a sudden a hand wrapped around his and he felt warmth once again. He looked up to see Tohru smiling at him...the same kind of smile she used to give him before...before she lost her memories. She saw him look back and she held his hand to her cheek. She closed her eyes and rested her head on his hand. She looked so relaxed and calmed that it also did the same for Kyo. He felt at ease and like himself again.

"I will..." he mumbled as he wiped his tears.

"Huh?" Tohru raised her head confused, "What was that Kyo?"

"I will bring back your memories. So don't wish it'll happen, because I'll make it happen." he stood up and walked outside. She ran after him with a flushed face.

"Kyo-Kun?" She squirmed through the Sohmas who stopped to listen.

"WAIT FOR ME TOHRU WHILE I BRING YOUR MEMORIES BACK TO YOU!" He fist-pumped the air and everyone had a sweat drop on their heads but none of them argued with the fellow.

"Wait a minute stupid cat." Yuki smirked at him, "You forgot about the rest of us. We'll help too."

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