Chapter 6: Memory loss

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Sorry for accidentally posting the other chapter....I was going to start that chapter yesterday but I was busy so I only managed the title and then quickly pressed save...but it was actually the publish one. I didn't know until I saw the chapter. Sorry about that!!! That's why I made two chapters this time!! Thank you for reading and please enjoy this chapter!



"Tohru wake up...please?" the tears wouldn't stop. He couldn't bear to see her anymore, because that only made him shed more tears. Before he was in a state of shock, now he had realized what was going on. His Tohru was in a hospital bed, and her head was covered in bandages. In fact...that was the only critical thing that happened to her. 

The doctor said that she may have hit her head hard, but no real damage was made. Then why couldn't Kyo stop crying? He couldn't believe the fact that she was unharmed when she fell off a cliff that was...pretty high up. Plus...she hadn't been waking up and it has already been like six hours since then. The fact that she wasn't talking to him was the scariest thing in the world. Please wake up Tohru! He shook his head furiously, and impatiently.

"Hello?" A voice came from the other side of the door. Kyo lifted his head up and stared at the wall. He wiped his eye's and took a deep breath.

"Um...yeah?" He coughed and rubbed his eye's. "Have you found anything wrong with her...Hatori? He questioned the man, on cue Hatori came straight in and nodded sadly.

"Unfortunately...yes I have." He rubbed the back of his neck and began to sweat, anxiously.

"W-Well are you going to tell me?" Kyo mumbled.

"I don't think it's a good idea to of all people." Hatori sat in the seat next to Kyo and began to sort through his papers.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm thinking that you'll...freak out."

"I'm not a girl-"

"Yeah I know but...I bet that you wouldn't know what to do in this situation. There's probably nothing you could do to help her-"

"HUH? Just exactly what are you talking about? Don't tell me that Tohru is dying...?" Kyo stood up and reached for her hand and held it against his wet cheek. He could still hear the perfect rhythm of her heartbeat, he'd recognized her's so well. "She seem's fine to me though?"

"NO...she not dying. It's do I say this...?" He shook his head and sighed, "Okay...let me tell you that when she hit her head on the caused some temporary damage."


"...And well seems that her brain activity is confused as we say..."


"She lost her memories..." He looked away from Kyo, who seemed confused. He couldn't think anymore. Kyo was very smart, but he had a slow thinking process, as you can say.

"Shut up! How could she lose her memories from such a small fall? she's unconscious but it shouldn't have caused much damage!" He said through gritted teeth. This was becoming more of a nightmare than a problem. This girl cannot lose her memories, she had sooooo many happy ones! Now...Kyo grew worried as he thought...why would she jump off that cliff? As soon as she woke up...he would ask her that. Well after he asked her if she was alright...then he would scold her. If no one else could do it...than he had to. She was just that important to him. His little flower... "Tohru is strong...if she did lose her memories...than surely she could overcome this and regain them...all of them..." He stopped and came to a conclusion.

"...and I'll matter what it takes...I'll get her memories back for sure..."

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