Chapter 3: The Deal

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"I'd like to talk to Akito." Her voice echoed through the wind, causing Momiji to have a shiver down his spine.

"Uh...A-Akito?" He stepped back and then he transformed back into a human, and a blushing Tohru faced the other way, while he got dressed. She got up from the ground and began to walk towards the Sohma's resident. Momiji ran towards her and led her to Hatori's house. "Um...I'm not sure if he's here yet...but you can wait here with Hatori and me!"

Momiji seemed tense and he was stuttering a lot. Tohru looked around the small room, and spotted the picture of Kana, Hatori's ex-girlfriend. The small frame took up a lot space in the lonely book shelf and it seemed to be spotless, as if all the dust was cleaned up everyday.

"Well...hello Ms. Honda. What brings you here?" The tall man stood at the front of the door, with his lab coat in one of his arms. His bangs concealed his right eye as always, and the same stoic expression. Tohru gave him a warm smile,

"Hello Hatori! I came to see Akito. I...uh...have a favor to ask of him." She dropped her gaze and stood close to Momiji who was busying himself with homework. Yes...even the Sohma's have to do Homework. Tohru had her hands held tight together and enterwined, she was nervous. All this stress was causing her to become impatient, and anxious. She just wanted to get it over with, so she could see Kyo-Kun again.

"Akito? He just came back from a meeting with some people. Would you like to see him now?" He turned on his heel and strode towards the large building at the end of the Sohma Estate. It seemed oddly quiet here, everyone was inside of their houses; probably preparing for New Years again.

When they arrived outside the room, Tohru began to feel dizzy and she was sure she was turning pale. She shook her head to get out of it, and reminded herself that Shigure, Yuki, and most of all Kyo, were all waiting for her at home. She had to hurry so she could make it in time to make some dinner, but little did she know that she wouldn't be returning back for a long time.

"Akito? Tohru Honda would like to see you." Hatori knocked a couple times, and the door crept slowly open. It was dark, eerie, and not a single thing could be seen through. was totally not safe to go inside, but Tohru was as stubborn as ever.

"Hello Akito! I have come...because I have a favor to ask of you." She was shaking, but no one seemed to notice, because both Hatori and Momiji walked away as soon as she entered the room. Just as she imagined it, the room was spotless and sanitized. No sign of dirt anywhere, she was impressed by how clean it was. Of course Akito was it had to be that way. "A-Akito?" She asked once again, but no answer came back to her. Why was it so quiet?

"What brings you here?"

"A-Akito? Hello..." It was cold in the spacious room, suddenly the curtains were pulled away and the sun struck the surface of the earth. Her eye's were blinded by the light, but it soon adjusted to it. Now her eye's were squinting more than ever. She was waiting for Akito to greet her back...but nothing came again.


"I have a favor to ask of you..." She stopped to look for the Sohma but could not see anything. Suddenly she felt a pull from the back and she was yanked back. Her head crashed against the carpet floor and she had her palms pressed against the eyes. When she opened them, she saw a dark shadow above her; Akito.

"Oh my...are you alright?" She wickedly laughed as she yanked her up to face her. Tohru shook with so much force, that Akito had trouble facing her. "Stop...SHAKING!" She screamed as her sharp nails dug into Tohru's jacket. "NOW TELL ME WHAT YOU POSSIBLY WANT FROM ME!" She said through gritted teeth.

"A-Akito I-I'm s-sorry f-for t-taking t-time a-away f-from y-you." She stuttered, and then took a deep breath, "Please...b-break the c-curse!" She fell to her knees and had her head bowed down to him. Her hair hung loosely in front of her and it blurred her of any sight of the room and Akito. She closed her eye's tight and tried to keep the tears from coming, her throat also struggled to swallow hard.

Nothing came from above...Akito kicked her to the side and stalked outside. Tohru quickly got up and ran towards her, she stopped at the edge of the cliff. "Akito? What are you doing?" Akito turned her head to face her, her locks of short black hair shone brightly. Tohru ran infront of her, blocking the edge of the cliff. "Don't do this please! I j-just wanted to break the curse...s-so K-kyo k-kun could be free, and not have to go into the cage! I'm sorry...that I'm so selfish Akito."

Akito had a blank look on her face, then her smile reached from ear to ear. It wasn't a good smile too. "Let's make a deal...If you fall off this cliff...and you survive, then I'll set Kyo free, including all of the jyunnishi. How's that?"

Tohru looked down at the large cliff. She didn't a life without Kyo was the same thing as dying. So it didn't matter to her whether or not she died. She looked back at Akito and gave her a slight nod. She extended her hand and Akito shook it while smiling her wicked smile.

Tohru faced the opposite way and looked down once more. She held her breath and took a few steps forward, the wind blew powerfully and it pained her. If she died...maybe Kyo wouldn't be sad anymore, she hated to make him sad. But what about Yuki and Shigure? It was too late, a force pushed her and she could no longer go back. She held her arms out and she couldn't let out a single sound, not a scream, a shout, a sob, or a cry for help.

The ground came nearer and she closed her eye's

then everything went black...

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