Chapter 4: Where's Tohru?

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Where is she!? Kyo paced back and forth, wondering why his wonderful Tohru hadn't returned back home yet. She'd gone to the Sohma's estate a couple of hours already but still was nowhere in sight. He was getting worried sick about her...

"Shigure! Where's Tohru?!" He yelled, impatiently. He didn't even wait for him to open the door, he broke it down and threw his desk over.

"My, my. Is our Kyo worried?" He teased as he lifted his eye's away from a Manga. "Hold on...I'm reading Gakuen Alice and...I'm getting to the good part. You see that Mikan has now confessed her feelings to Natsume! He's such a pervert! Since he enjoys making her uncomfortable by saying things like 'kiss me' and 'tell me you love me'. When really...he loves her WAY more than she loves him." Kyo frowns and starts to yell louder.

"Call the main house and find out where Tohru is!!" He screams. He punches the wall closest to Shigure's head. He flinches and drops the Manga.

"Uh-huh! I'll do that now!" He shivers in fear as he grabs the phone next to him. He shakes as he presses each key. It takes a few beeps before getting through.

"Hello?" a low voice is heard from the other line. Shigure gulps as he speaks.

"Um...Hello." He stops, "Yes, this is Shigure. Can you let me know if Tohru Honda is there at the moment? Uh-huh...yes...uh-huh." He stops and turns to face Kyo. "What? What happened...Yes! No....why...? Where is she?"

"What's wrong? Did something happen to Tohru?!" Kyo yells, but Shigure ignores him.

He only gets up and walks back and forth like Kyo except this is even worse. He starts biting his nails and pulling his hair. "Ah! Oh no! Why...Yes...thank you very much." He stopped and let go of his hair, " Akito alright? Uh-hm...okay thank you so much...yes we are going immediately! Good bye!" He slams the phone down and looks straight at Kyo, he never once blinks as he speaks.

"Uhm...Kyo...there's some teensy, weensy, bad news to be told." He whispers.

"What?!" Kyo pounds on the table. "Just tell me!"

"Uh it's Tohru."

"What about Tohru?"

"Uh...yeah about that..."

"Tell me Shigure...or else you'll never find out the end of that Manga." Kyo threatened.

"Well...I'll tell you when we get there." He shrugs and struggles to get the keys out of his pockets.

"What the HECK! Just tell me already!"

"Uhm...don't wanna!" He laughed as they raced to go in the car. Kyo slammed the door close, "Hey...this car's gently with her."

"Her? Who says this car is a female?" Kyo raised his brows.

"Um...I do, and her name is Tohru." He blushed at the thought. Kyo grew angry and remembered what they'd been talking about earlier.

"Where are we going?"

"To the Hospital."

"Huh?! Wait did Akito hurt Tohru?" His hands formed into fists, "Why...I atta..."

"NO Kyo! If you want to keep Tohru safe then you cannot defy Akito. Anyways she didn't hurt Tohru."

"Then who did?" He stopped the car to face Kyo and ran a hand through his thick black hair. He took out a pair of cigarettes and lit one. He raised it to his lips and sighed.

"Kyo...Tohru fell off a cliff."

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