Chapter 16: A New Banquet

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"..." She glared at Tohru from head to toe and the same went for Kyo. He held Tohru's hand through it all, even as they kneel before Akito. "What do you want Kyo? Girl?"

"We want your approval." Tohru stated as confidently as she could. Akito got up and walked over to the entrance of her backyard. The wind chimes howled in the wind.

"No." She simply mutter coldly.

Kyo clenched Tohru's hand tightly and declared his half, "Why? Why do you do this?"

"Do you need to know anything more than no? I simply do not approve. I hate the both of you so why would I do as you ask of me? What have you done for me? Nothing. Nothing at all. If anything, you have caused me despair. You girl." She pointed at Tohru, "have destroyed it all. My beautiful bond."

"I won." Tohru simply muttered calmly. "I won our agreement, did I not? Is that not reason enough to think that I could earn your approval? You have sworn on this deal that we have both made. Did you not?"

  "Let's make a deal...If you fall off this cliff...and you survive, then I'll set Kyo free, including all of the jyunnishi. How's that?"  

"What agreement? Tohru? Akito?" Kyo glanced between them but neither of them gave him a second thought.

Akito glared at her. Her lips tightly clenched together in frustration. "You won..." she repeated. She wanted to throw a fit but she didn't have the energy for it.

"..." She crossed her arms and faced the other way.

"Akito-san. It must be lonely to be here all by yourself." Tohru said, "I used to be lonely too. After I lost my mother... I felt so lonely but I tried to keep it hidden away so that I wouldn't bother anyone. I didn't want to lose them like I lost my mother. Along the way I completely lost track of who I was. I became lost. I was lost. It's lonely isn't it? Losing yourself?"

Akito finally turned around and took a look at her. 

How had she grown to be so strong on her own? What was driving her so? 

Then she looked at the person next to her, handling her... comforting her as she cried for... 


She approached her slowly and took her chin. She looked her straight in the eyes and saw something beautiful. They were only brown but simple enough to be the most painfully striking indeed. 

"It is lonely." She wrapped her arms around Tohru and held her close. "It's so lonely." She admitted as she struggled to remain composed. It was no use. With Tohru in her arms, it only seemed impossible not to cry. She made everything possible, she made everything impossible. She made everything better and everything worse. Still... it felt so much better to release it all, because with Tohru... there was no mistake, no sorrow, no loneliness. There was just love.

"Wah..." Akito cried as she came to terms with her new feelings. "wah..."

"uh..." Kyo muttered. "What do I do with you Tohru? It seems like your admirers never stop growing."

"Hm..." Tohru smiled. "Let's start a new banquet. A new bond. How about that Akito?"

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