Chapter 11: Teamwork

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"So what?" Kyo glared at him.

"We'll help you, you stupid cat."

"Dumb Rat."


"Well at least I don't wear dresses." Kyo teased and Yuki blushed at the memory of the not so long ago school festival. It was his worst nightmare of course, how could he not forget it?

"T-they made me do that!!!!" He defended himself.

" should have rejected them... Stupid Rat." They began to fight and Tohru stopped desperately to separate them.

"P-Please stop fighting you two!!" She fell but both Kyo and Yuki grabbed one of each of her arms and ended up bumping foreheads.

"Watch it stupid rat!"

"You know what? You're the stupid one because I was the one who was gonna help her. Why don't you back off already?" Kyo yelled with a temper. Meanwhile Tohru was just lying there with a scowl. Even when she didn't remember a single thing, it still annoyed her how the two could just argue for hours.

"C'mon Tohru... lets get you an ice pack." Momiji offered a hand kindly to the upset maiden. "They've always fought since the beginning of time till now. In fact there was a time when they fought for a week straight without food or water and while they were sleeping too. Sometimes I think that they're immortal or something..." He slapped his mouth before he could say more and he looked angry. "Forget that I said that..." 

He smiled trying to hide the fact that he almost spilled the truth out to Tohru. Since she lost her memory, the curse between the Sohmas has yet to be exposed to Tohru but if that happened... who knew how she'd react. Tohru was different now and fragile, if anything were to happen to make her upset, who would they be able to help her?

"You know what Rat? This one time I will consider working with you to bring back her memories but only if you don't touch her at all. Got it?" He gripped his collar and glared at Yuki. He remained in a calm composure and he didn't feel at all intimidated. This made Kyo even more frustrated. "GAH! FINE... BE THAT WAY!"

"Kyo?" Suddenly his mind went blank and he turned around to see the girl gripping her shirt nervously. "Kyo... Yuki... please stop fighting. I don't want anyone to get hurt." She bit her lip and looked like she was about to burst into tears.

"Yeah... sorry." Kyo chuckled and let go of Yuki's shirt unconsciously. "Back to bringing your memories back. How about we start with how we met?" Kyo smiled kindly at the girl. Tohru blushed and nodded. Things were beginning to go great. 

Now it was up to Kyo to help her and little did they know that what they least expected would help, would be the way to bring back Tohru's Lost memories.


Soooo sorrryyy readers:(

I've been working on my other fanfiction Remember Me and I totally forgot about this one. I am so ashamed because Fruits Basket is definitely my favorite manga in the world! It's thanks to EmilyNicole865 because this reader asked me if I was still writing this story and I was like "Oh...yeah, I forgot about that story." Anyways thanks for reading out there and it makes me super happpy<T^T>

sorry that it's this short but I promise that I'll write more later:)

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