Chapter 9: Visitor's Part Two

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"Tohru-san, you have visitors." the doctor called out to her. She nodded. Her eye's widened as they entered her room. It was Arisa Uotani, and Saki Hanajima, her two best friends.

"Tohru~" they squealed as they ran towards her with open arms. They jumped on her bed and tangled her in arms. She giggled at their sudden appearance.

"Uo...Hana! What are you guys doing here?" She asked them as her cheeks regained their original color.

"Tohru...we came to see you." Hanagima stated the obvious as she hid her hair in Tohru's fluffy hair. Uotani only continued to hug tohru around the waist and dig her head next to her blankets. They hadn't seen her in a week, and missed her dearly. Without Tohru...they'd both have nothing to live for. She was the savior who brought Hanajima out of the darkness of bullying, and the savior who reminded Uotani that she was needed.

"Don't be so can you fall off a cliff?" Uotani abruptly questioned her. Tohru lifted her shoulders.

"I don't know why I would do such a thing. I have never thought dying...ever!" Her eye's dropped to the floor and her lips could not form a smile, which she often made. "Mom...told me to enjoy life. How can I do such a thing?" She repeated. Uotani and Hanajima both gave each other questioning looks, as to why Tohru was acting in such a way they weren't used to. She was acting in destress, unlike her usual cool and collected self.

"Tohru are you alright?" Uo asked again. "You seemed to be different...somehow." Tohru gave her a confused look and went back to smiling as if nothing happened.

"I don't know what you're talking about Uo. I'm fine." She forced a smile, and Uotani gave up.

"Hey...where's Kyo?" Hana suddenly asked as if to expect him to be here next to Tohru.

"Kyo?" Tohru asked and then remembered the orange-haired boy who was there earlier. "Oh...he left to get some food."

"Tohru...why'd you hesitate?" Hana asked as she got off of her bed. She looked around and then stopped. She was reading "waves" as she called it.

"Oh...there you go again Hanajima. Doing your Daily Wave experiment." Uotani complained as Hanajima looked straight at Tohru.

"Tohru...are you sure you're okay? Did that fall do anything to you?" She sat down in the seat that Kyo always seemed to sit in.

"Um...I'm fine." Then Tohru remembered what the doctor told her days ago. "Uh...actually...the doctor told me that I may have temporary memory lost." she fiddled with her fingers.

"WHAT?!" Uotani yelled as her hands formed fists at her sides. She jumped to the foot of the bed and faced Tohru angrily. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU MAY HAVE TEMPORARY MEMORY LOST?" Her reaction was the same as Kyo's.

"I had Amnesia...that's all" She shook.

"T-THAT'S ALL?" Uotani was mad..." TOHRU! That's not something we should be taking so lightly!" She cooled down a little.

"Uo...Hana...Trust me I'm fine." She smiled warmly at them and they gave up but...wouldn't just stop asking questions.

"How much have you lost? Or What is the last thing you remember?" Hanajima spoke gently as she held one of Tohru's hand.

"T-that..." she stopped and looked down with a frown, " has been a month since my mum's death." Her words struck their hearts with pain at the memory. Tohru's memory...most of her memory was gone. Her memory of the meeting of the Sohma's...was gone! She was has been two years since her death!

"Tohru...!" Hana's bangs covered up her face, Tohru couldn't see her tears well up. Especially when they fell over softly, and quietly.

"Ha...What's next? You take away Kyoko and now you take away her memories?!" Uotani left the room yelling out nonsense and never returned. They were both extremely hurt. Tohru...had lost against the fight to win her memory back.

There was absolutely no way...this memory lost was temporary.

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