Chapter 12: Meetings

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Tohru fixed her uniform uncomfortably and then proceeded to running a shaky hand through her hair. Kyo had said that he'd bring back her memories, but how was standing in the middle of the woods gonna help? She rolled on her toes and heels, back and forth. She sighed after a few minutes and then walked back to the Sohma house. 

Suddenly, she felt familiar walking through the path. Like she had done it millions of times before. Her feet came to a stop before the house. On the patio was an assortment of Zodiac figures. She counted how many there were: one, two, three... twelve in total and she frowned. Then a thought came to her. Were there not thirteen zodiac signs? The thought floated around in her head and she didn't even know how or why the thought came to her.

"Huh? There's a girl around here?" A man mumbled. He glanced at Tohru and her eyebrows raised.

"Shigure-san. Of course I'm here." She giggled.

"Shh... pretend like we just met." He whispered with a grin. "Kyo thought that starting from the very beginning would help you receive your memories back."

"Oh... I see." She nodded and took a deep breath. "Hello... I-I was just taking a stroll." She lied with a hidden smile.

"I see that you've taken an interest in my zodiac collection."

"Oh yes." She nodded, "But I feel like there should be thirteen instead of twelve..." suddenly Shigure stepped back because of the sudden development... it was almost just like their very first meeting together. Only she probably didn't remember as much... "Oh that's right!" She interrupted his thoughts, "You're missing the cat!"

"Eh??" Shigure fell on his bottom and his eyebrows rose up.

"I remember my mom telling me a story about the 12 zodiacs. It made me sad when I heard what happened to the cat. I wanted to be the year of the cat instead of being year of the dog." Her eyes darted towards the floor with a sad expression. Shigure scratched his head, sweat gathering on his hands. Somehow this plan of Kyo's was working so far!

"Aw...  I see why I feel as though I have a connection towards you..." He started with a sheepish smile, "Don't you? I'm also a dog-"


"OW~ Yuki! What do you have in your bag? A dictionary?!" Shigure rubbed his head with a single closed eye staring at him. Yuki had his uniform on and widened his eyes at the sight of Tohru.

"Actually... I have two."

"Honda-san, are you alright? Did he do anything strange towards you?" Tohru thought for a moment. Is this how they really met for the first time? If so... how would she know how to act...? She smiled a little and stared at the floor as if it were the only thing that was real. Why was she out here if this was there first meeting?

"No..." She finally answered Yuki, "He was just showing me his zodiac collection."

"Oh I see. So you've taken an interest in the 12 zodiacs? Did I hear you right? That you know of the cat...?"

"Yes." She smiled, "My m-mother told me the story long ago. I-I don't really want to talk about it..."

"Sorry..." Yuki flushed, "I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright." She muttered coldly. For a moment, Shigure and Yuki glanced at each other and gave a questioning look. What was her problem? Tohru was never like- "If I may ask. How will this help me with my Amnesia? I really remember only a portion of my life but it seems as though I only remember the life that I had before I met you all. If that's so... then what if I never really met you Sohmas? How do I know you're not just making it all up..." Her eyes darkened as she said it and her expression reflected those of most of the Sohmas; loneliness. Her tone came out monotone and they felt no feeling out of her words like they used to. Tohru was different...

"Honda-san. We know many things about you. We're sorry to interfere with your life but we care very deeply for you that we'd do anything to help you. Especially that stupid cat, we all need you in our life just as much as you need us. If that's not enough proof then I guess we'll just have to make you understand." He touched her chin with a single finger and made her look into his eyes. "Ok?"

She blushed and her eyes automatically landed at her feet, "S-sorry. I'm very sorry for my rude attitude... I-I just don't know what to believe right now. If what you say is true then I'm in the state of recovering from mums death. I'm sorry for the way I'm acting, I'm just a little confused-"

"Honda-san. I was only joking." Yuki chuckled lightly, "But what I said about you being important to us was completely true. We love you Tohru and we'll prove it to you."

"Eh?" She blushed and nodded, "Please..." She paused, "bring back my memories, please?"

"It's a promise." She whipped her head back and came face to face with Kyo, his face a mere inch away from her. Her face flushed as she met his ruby red eyes.

"K-kyo...!" She blurted and took a step back from him. Her heart began to race out of nowhere and she felt it again... that familiar feeling of longing. The feeling she felt as she went down the path towards the Sohma house...

"Now that we have that completed. On to Plan B..." He grinned, "This one will work for sure!"

"Eh?" Tohru looked up at him and he raised his brows.


"I-It's just that I don't really understand what you guys are trying to do-" She stopped and bit her lip.

"I thought that we could try redoing your memories, kinda like retracing your steps, you know?" He patted her head and she closed her eyes, relaxed by his caring hand.

"I get it... you think that by remaking my memories, they could probably come back when I go through it again!" She smiled and this time... it was genuinely real. It brought a sigh from both Yuki and Shigure who laughed as soon as they caught each other.

"The only problem is... you don't know our secret yet..." Kyo muttered grimly.

"Huh? What was that Kyo?" Tohru asked with a question mark expressed across her face.

"Nothing..." He frowned and rubbed his head, "Anyways I should probably see Akito-"

"What would that do stupid cat?"

"I just want to give him a little taste of his own medicine, thats all." He cracked his knuckles and grind his teeth evilly. "The jerk deserves it anyways."

"Kyo! You know better than to go against Akito. If anything, that'll make it even worse on Tohru!"

"Who's Akito?" Tohru asked, rubbed her chin curiously.

"He's nobody." Kyo shook her, "Okay? Are you listening? He's nobody! Don't ever go near him! Got it??"

"Yes." She giggled as he held her, "Don't worry Kyo. I don't even know him."


"Can't you tell me who he is though? Don't I deserve to know that much?"

He clenched his teeth and avoided her gaze.


Yuki shook his head but he spoke for Kyo anyways, "He's the cause of your Amnesia, Tohru."


Aw it's been forever since I last updated. I want to thank: @-_Cherry_Bomb_- for reading and voting on my story:D Thanks so much! I totally forgot about this and wanted to thank you for giving this story a chance! It means so much to me!!! T^T

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