Chapter 7: Amnesia

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"Hm..." finally a single sound came from Tohru's lips. Her hair shook a little and she turned her head slowly. Kyo quickly got up and went to her side, holding her hand as she stirred in her sleep. "Mom..." She uttered. Just how much does she not remember? Thought Kyo as he held her hand to his cheek... and her cold pale hand...gained back it's warmth. He smiled...not caring anymore...she was fine, and he knew it. He just didn't know what to think when she would wake up. Would he panic, smile, cry, or laugh? Just which one what was it?

Kyo...You may think it's easy to gain her memories back but...She hit her head so bad...that we're sure...she has amnesia. There's a 95% chance that she won't remember you. It's even higher that she'll only remember back when she was still living in that tent. Or even worse...back when she found out her mother died in a car accident.

Kyo: What? How can that be...

Hatori: I think it might be best if we leave her to her Grandpa for a while...

Kyo: But...but...what will happen when she wakes up...?

Hatori: I think it's better if you're not there...when she wakes up.

Kyo: No!...I have to find out...I have to know if she REMEMBERS ME OR NOT!

"Tohru..." He cried as he laid his head on the bed by her side. She moved a little, and suddenly a swallow was heard, he looked up at the pale girl. Her cheeks were starting to gain their rosy color again.

"Mhm..." She mumbled as she slowly opened her eye's. They had no expression and she had no love in her eye's. "Mom..." She started before drops of tears came flooding down her cheeks. She was in a trance or some kind of traumatic illusion. Kyo was too shock to move and forgot to move away from her hands. "AHHH!" She screamed as she shook with much force. Kyo moved away.

"NO...Tohru it's okay! It's me Kyo..." He pointed to himself as he jumped away from her. She was so scared and didn't know what was happening at the moment, especially when an orange-haired boy was holding her hand. "Don't you...remember me?" His voice cracked and held his hands in fists by his sides.

"...Where am I?" She ignored his question and flipped the thin blanket away from her knees. Kyo turned around blushing, because she was only wearing a hospital gown and she showed too much leg. But did she really care about that at the moment?

"I asked you a question first..." he argued with her. He wanted to know once and for all, that what the doctor said, was all and all of the truth. If it was...well he would try his hardest to stay by her side...without hurting her, if possible. Tohru was that important to him, "Do you remember me?" He repeated once again, this time much slower so she could comprehend. He waited patiently for her to answer and when it seemed as though she was about to answer...she fell silent. After a couple of minutes had passed, she sighed and finally admitted it.

"I'm sorry...I don't remember who you are." She said, with an unrecognizable voice. She didn't sound like the girl who greeted Kyo with a warm smile that morning. Or the girl who called every so often, his name, with that goofy grin on her face. And she certainly did not have those loving eye's that always cared more for others then for herself! Just where was Tohru?

"Tohru..." He fell on his knees, and held one hand by his heart, he kept at it for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and then finally standing up with a big smile on his face, "Nice to meet name is Kyo Sohma." He shook, as he gripped the tears back...he couldn't afford to frighten the girl with his emotions. If she couldn't remember him now...NO! He would make her remember him, little by little.

And when that happens...he will confess his feelings to her.

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