26. liz's funeral

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Numb. That was all Aurora could use to describe how she was feeling in that moment. She wasn't sad, she wasn't angry, she didn't feel like she was going to explode and lose control, no, she just felt numb. Aurora Crawford-Forbes lost her mother. The person who raised her. The person who picked her up when she fell down. The person who was able to keep a smile on her face whenever she was down. Elizabeth Forbes was gone.

After her death, the group stayed with Aurora and Caroline at the Salvatore Boarding House, it was bigger and would fit them all. Their friends could imagine how the sisters felt. Liz Forbes wasn't just Caroline and Aurora mother's, she was all their mothers. She looked after them, cared for them like she was their own, because in a way, they were her other kids, a found family. Those types of families never break apart, the bonds built just too strong to fall apart. The Forbes sisters were very grateful for their friends. They were always all there for each other.

Despite them being questionable about the younger Forbes sister about her relationship with Kai Parker, they decided to leave it for another day. Aurora had already been through so much, and questioning her about her private life, about something she doesn't want to answer, right when her mother died, wasn't a good idea. She could spiral, break apart, destroy something, so they'd leave it, for now.

The sleepover was just what Aurora needed, though she couldn't sleep, she was thankful they were all still there. Caroline was the same, she couldn't sleep either. When she saw her sister, who was supposed to be on the other end of the couch from her, wasn't there, she stood up and went looking for her sister. Seeing all their friends were still here; Elena, Bonnie, Matt, Tyler, and Stefan. Caroline walked into the kitchen to see Damon, who turned at the sound of the door opening, "She's out there" he pointed out to the patio, Caroline nodded and walked out to see the figure of her younger sister. Her knees were brought up to her chest, her head was laying on them, a blanket wrapped around her, as she stared motionlessly out to the yard.

Caroline opened the patio door, Aurora didn't even turn around to see who it was, assuming it was Damon, who had come out a few times to check on her, offering her a blanket since the weather that night was cold, offering to talk, but Aurora didn't want to talk, she just wanted to be left alone. "Hey" Caroline spoke softly, approaching her sister and sitting on her other side, "Hi" Aurora replied, still keeping her stare on the yard in front of her, rather than on her sister.

"Any room in there for me?" Caroline asked, gesturing to the blanket, Aurora nodded, unwrapping a side, and extending it out to Caroline, who wrapped it around herself, snuggling close to Aurora. The sisters sat there in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company, they didn't need to speak words to know how the other was feeling, they just knew. Aurora felt horrible, she never got to say goodbye to her mother. She was too busy arguing with Damon, with Kimberley Fell, with Enzo, before she got that call that her mother was dead, "Your Mom's gone" the words constantly repeated in her brain, she didn't want to believe it.

God she wished it was a nightmare, and she'd wake up to her mother shushing her, telling her she just had a nightmare, but no. Liz Forbes was dead. Caroline knew Aurora felt terrible for not getting to say goodbye to their mother, she herself barely got to say goodbye. She was only able to give her mother a peaceful memory before her heart stopped. "Care?" Aurora whispered, "Yeah" Caroline replied, "Today's gonna suck" she told her older sister.

"I know, but we get through it. We'll be okay" Caroline assured her sister. Though she herself was falling apart, she gave Aurora assurance, since one of them had to be stable enough and get through their mother's funeral without completely breaking. Caroline knew that as the big sister, she had to step up. She had to protect Aurora now.

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