09. Pretend or Not

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The entire drive to school with Xavier was quiet, well, the whole morning with him was quiet. When we both woke up he took a shower, got dressed, and waited for me in the kitchen. We only spoke about three words to each other. Which were "you ready?" and me responding with "yeah".

When Xavier and I got to school, we parted ways. He walked off to the "popular" crowd the minute I was about to start talking to him.

I sighed, making my way over to my locker. I shoved all my books in my locker, then quickly closed it.

What was going on with Xavier? One minute he was acting nice, okay really nice, but then the next he acted as if we've never spoken to each other. As I thought more about it, I started to wonder and question why I care. Why do I care?

I turned around and spotted Xavier. He looked at me and waved. I, being the idiot I am, smiled and waved back.

"Come on Neal!" Xavier yelled.

Confused, I turned around to see Neal who was a few feet behind me. Great. Do you ever do that, smile and wave at someone when they were not waving or smiling at you? God, I'm an idiot.

I walked down the hall to join my friends. Destiny, Belle, and Emma were all talking about how excited they were for Valentines Day even though it was like twenty-three days away. Well, that's just a guess.

I ignored the conversation, not really caring how Emma and her boyfriend, Edward, but everyone calls him "Hook"- it's a weird nickname if you ask me - were going to a fancy restaurant and do God knows what afterwards.

"What about you, Ryan?"

"Huh?" I said, snapping out of my thoughts. "Me what?"

Belle laughed, shaking her head. She always found it amusing when I didn't know what was going on because I looked like a lost puppy.

"What are you and Xavier going to do?" Emma asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, well, I don't know," I answered, honestly. Now that I think about it, I didn't even know if Xavier and I were going to do anything for Valentines Day. "Xavier and I haven't talked about it..."

"Hmm," Destiny said, shaking her head. "I'd be surprised if he did something nice for you."

I shot Destiny a glare because she knew that I hadn't told Emma or Belle about mine and Xavier's deal, and I sure as hell didn't plan to.

"What do you mean?" Belle said, turning to Destiny. "Why wouldn't he? I bet deep down Xavier has a good heart, and we should give him a chance because everyone deserves a chance."

Sweet, sweet Belle. She was such an optimistic and nice person. I don't quite understand how she could be with that douche Ricardo. He's always making deals with people and if they don't hold up their end of the bargain bad things happen. But Belle looks past that and she sees the good him, the way she sees the good in everyone.

"Well, I'm just saying," Destiny said, shrugging. "I'm just curious to see if he'll do anything special and if he does I'll be surprised."

Emma and Belle nodded their heads, signaling they understood, but the look on Emma's face said otherwise.

I turned to my side to see Xavier leaning up against the lockers talking to some cheerleader. I felt anger rushing through my body. This will be a long day.


Once school finished, I quickly ran to my locker and grabbed my books. As I was shoving the books into my bag it broke.

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