26. Graduation Party?

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Ryan's Pov

"Dude," Destiny said, grabbing my arm, causing us to stop from walking into Xavier's house. "We just graduated a couple hours ago. Holy shit."

I laughed, shaking my head. "I know," I replied. "I was there...next to you, crying my eyes out."

Destiny laughed then walked through the door. We walked in to see Xavier, Felix, Henry, Neal, Emma, and Belle playing board games.

"Uh, I thought there was gonna be a graduation party," I said, sitting down next to Xavier. "This doesn't look like a graduation party."

"Who in the bloody hell told you that lie?" Xavier asked.

Destiny and I both turned to Henry. Henry pursed his lips, nervously scratching his head.

"In my defense," Henry spoke up. "I really thought there was going to be a party."

"I just wanted a night to spend time with my best mates," Xavier said, grinning. "Spend time together before we all head off to college, you know?"

"Speaking of college," Emma said, crossing her legs. "Which ones are you going to?"

"UCLA," I answered.

"Berkeley," Xavier replied, shrugging. "There was no way in bloody hell I was going to Harvard like my dad wanted me to."

"Columbia," Belle said, rolling the dice in her hands.

"Berkeley, too," Felix and Henry said in sync.

"NYU," Neal shrugged.

"Me, too," Emma grinned.

"UCLA with Ryan," Destiny said, smiling.

I smiled at her and then rested my head on Xavier's shoulder. After they finished their games we started playing more board games. Now, we were playing twister.

"Okay, right foot blue," Neal said, laughing. "Come on, Xavier. You can do it."

"Well, maybe if Felix's arse wasn't in my face," Xavier grunted, moving his right foot a bit. "This would be a lot easier."

"Oh, kiss my ass." Felix said, trying to smack Xavier.

"Guys, stop messing around," I said, trying to keep my balance. "You're going to make me fall right into Henry's crotch."

"That's gonna hurt," Henry groaned. "Don't make her fall into my crotch."

"And Felix you'll fall right on top of me if you don't stop fucking moving." Destiny harshly said.

Xavier and Felix both stopped and kept their balance. Destiny and I let out a sigh of relief. Emma, Belle, and Neal were just laughing at us as we continued playing.

"Alright, Felix, you ready?" Neal asked, spinning the wheel.

"JUST GO!" Felix shouted, looking up at him.

"Okay, right hand yellow." Neal said, looking at us all.

Felix grunted as he tried moving his hand. Felix barely tapped the yellow circle and then we all fell. My face seriously landed in Henry's crotch.

"Gross," I said, lifting my head and pushing myself up. "I just got a face full of Henry's crotch."

"Yeah, well, at least Felix didn't crush your bones." Destiny said, pushing Felix off of her.

"Fuck, my balls." Henry groaned, cupping his crotch area.

"That wasn't that bad." Xavier said, standing up.

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