11. People don't change

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Xavier's Pov

I shoved my way through the crowd, searching for Ryan. It's been half an hour since she said she was going to the restroom. I started to worry when I had gone to the women's restroom and she wasn't there and now I began to worry more because she was no where in sight. I called Ryan's phone for the millionth time this night, but she didn't answer, making me go crazy.

I spotted my mum talking with her friends and quickly ran to her. "Mum, have you seen Ryan?"

"Are you drunk or something, Xavier?" She asked, sighing. "She said she was going to ask you to drive her home."

She then turned her attention back to her friends and I walked off. Ryan left? Why did she leave? And more importantly, why do I care?

Without even thinking, I ran out the venue and got into my car. I started speeding to get to Ryan's house. I parked the car across the street from her house.

I got my car and made my way toward her house. What am I even doing here? I didn't understand what I was doing, but I just kept walking.

I saw her parents' cars were parked in the driveway. I hesitantly walked to the backyard of the house. I didn't want to knock on the front door and possibly have Mr. Gonzalez opening the door, wondering why his daughter's 'boyfriend' is here so late.

I walked towards Ryan's window. I didn't notice the rock on the floor, causing me to trip and scratch my hand on some thorns from a bush. I winced at the pain, but quickly stood up and knocked on her window.

After a few seconds, the curtains were moved to the side and I saw Ryan. I smiled and she looked at me blankly.

I motioned for Ryan to open the window, but she closed the curtains instead.

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused. "What..."

I knocked on the window again, a bit louder and longer this time. Ryan pushed the curtains to the side and opened the window.

"If you even try to come into my room, I won't hesitate to push you on the gound," Ryan said, glaring at me.

"Then, I'll call the police," I remarked, not being serious about it.

"Call them," Ryan shrugged. "I'll just explain how this is my family's property and you are trespassing."

Ryan kept glaring at me, the anger in her eyes obvious. "I took a law course in school, remember?" She said, scrunching her eyebrows together. "I know my way around things."

"Why are you mad at me?" I asked, leaning in closer to the window.

"Bravo, for noticing," Ryan said, sarcastically cheering.

"Darling, what's wrong?" I asked, allowing myself to go into her room. Ryan crossed her arms, walking to her bed. I took a few seconds praising God because she didn't actually push me out the window.

"Did I do something?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Ryan stood up, clenching her fist. "You're a dirty little manipulative lying asshole."

"What?" I asked, confused.

Ryan crossed her arms. "Minnie," she spat. "You're so called cousin."

I felt my heart stop. "I can explain," I said, walking closer to Ryan.

"No," Ryan said, harshly. "I don't want you to 'explain'. I want to hear the truth, because I know that your explanation will be bullshit and I'll be an idiot, believing every word of it."

"I haven't even said anything about and you're accusing me of lying about it?" I questioned.

"I know you, Xavier," Ryan said, shaking her head. "You're a manipulative asshole who only cares about himself. You'll say anything and charm someone in seconds, having them wrapped around your damn finger."

I crossed my arms, feeling myself get angrier with her. "Okay, you want the truth?" I asked, somewhat loud. "Are you sure you can handle the truth, darling?" Ryan nodded her head. "After all, I am an asshole."

"Just fucking tell me already!" Ryan shouted.

"Alright, I slept with Minnie," I said, bluntly. "And I did lie to you about it."

"Why?" Ryan asked, clenching her fist.

"Because I wanted to and I could!" I shouted. "God, did you really believe I'd stop sleeping with girls just because we're pretend dating?"

I was breathing heavy, feeling my chest rising quickly. Ryan's face softened. She didn't look mad anymore, now it was obvious she was hurt, making me regret everything I did from sleeping with Minnie up until now.

"Yeah," Ryan said, breaking the silence.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, I did," Ryan said, standing up. "Like an idiot, I thought that you wouldn't sleep with girls and actually be faithful to me - even though we aren't actually dating - like you're supposed to be."

I didn't know what to say, or if I should of say anything at all.

"You know, I'm not mad because you fucked Minnie - well, only a little mad at that," Ryan said, sitting down on the foot of her bed. "I'm mad because you're using me and you're the only one benefiting from all of this. I have to lie everyone I care about, and for what?"

"I-uh- I don't-"

"It just reminds me how fucked up the world is," Ryan cut me off. "Like, people were made to fall in love and things were made to be used. And the world is just fucked up because people are falling in love with things and are using people.

"And, I'm not trying to say that I'm 'falling in love' with you and I'm mad because you don't love me," Ryan said, shaking her head. "What I'm saying is that you're using me, when people shouldn't be using people."

I slowly made my way over to Ryan and sat down next to her. "I'm sorry," I said, holding her hand. I softly ran my thumb against her hand.

"Sorry isn't an eraser," Ryan said, looking up at me. "It won't erase what you've done."

"But it's a start," I said, lightly smiling. "Right?"

"I guess," Ryan said, shrugging. "But I'm still hurt." She whispered quietly. I don't even think she intended for me to hear that.

"I won't do it again, okay?" I said, making Ryan look at me. "I promise."

Ryan looked down. "I wish I could believe you, but I just can't because I know what you're like."

I scoffed, shaking my head. "I can change, darling. I can be a good guy."

Ryan rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "People don't really change, Xavier," she said, turning to look at me. "They say that they do, but they always go back to the person they truly are and will always be."

I updated! So, now we know about Xavier and Minnie...any thoughts? I hope you guys liked this chapter! Until the next update. Xx


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