12. Special Place

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I groaned, making my way through the halls of Hell, also known as school. There were hearts plastered on the walls, some posters about the Valentine's Day dance, and ribbons taped to the walls as well.

Jesus Christ, who even decorates the school? It's just horrible.

This Friday was Valentines Day. I didn't want to do anything, but watch The Walking Dead and cry over fictional characters.

I finally made my way to my locker and opened it. I grabbed my books out of my backpack - since my bag had ripped about a week or two ago, I had to get a new bag - and shoved them into my locker.

"Hey, darling."

I slammed my locker door shut. I turned to see Xavier smirking.

"Hi," I said, bluntly.

We've been distant, like, we only talk to each other at school and once in a while he'll call because he wants his parents to think we're in love and all that shit.

"Are you ready for Friday?" Xavier asked, cocking an eyebrow. "It's only 3 days away."

"Um, why would I be?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I have something planned for us, duh," Xavier said, grinning.

"Do we have to do something?" I asked, sighing. "I don't even understand the point of Valentines Day. All it does is make lonely people feel more depressed about being lonely. And, I don't understand why people give each other gifts and things like that, like, why not show your love and gratitude for someone everyday and not just one time a year?"

Xavier sighed, slightly chuckling. "You do have a point, babe," Xavier said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "But I still want to take you out. I don't want you being one of those lonely people."

A small smile tugged on my lips. "You're an idiot."

Xavier laughed, bringing me closer to him. "Well, I'm your idiot."


Friday came around pretty fast, but I wasn't really excited for it.

During school, Xavier had made a big deal of the whole Valentine's Day thing. He brought a big teddy bear with a bouquet of flowers - carnations and roses, my favorite - and some chocolate to my AP calculus class. So, I had to sit there in AP calculus with a gigantic teddy bear blocking my view of the board while some of my guy friends ate the chocolate and my friend, Katie, held onto my flowers for me.

Then, during lunch he managed to charm the principal into allowing him to bring a proper dinner set for the both us. The only good thing that came from that was we didn't have to eat school food.

Also, Xavier still had this date thing planned, which he still hasn't told me what we're going to do. All I did was get him some books and chocolate, which was nothing compared to what he's done. I'm starting to think that Xavier is a hopeless romantic.

Now, here we were, silently waiting at a red light. There were only about ten minutes left in the ride home. In the last ten minutes of the drive, Xavier explained to me that he'd pick me up at 6pm sharp and to wear something fancy.

Once I got home, I instantly walked to the fridge. I made myself some pizza rolls. After eating, I walked to my room and got my things ready to shower.

My parents were going to be gone all weekend so they could have a little Valentines Day getaway.

I sighed, walking into the restroom. Hopefully, Valentines Day will be good for once.

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