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Taehyung holds the rim of his whiskey-filled glass to his lips as he takes in Seoul's night skyline from his penthouse. His mind replayed all the fond and sad memories – from the day he first met you, the day you cut ties with him, and then meeting you again for the first time in ages in the most ridiculous places.

The last time he saw you, you were trying to pick up the pieces of your life until one day, you landed in his office with a food platter at hand. Of course, he was there to help. He voluntarily helped you pick all those pointy shards life threw at you, cutting himself deeper with every piece his hands held but he didn't mind.

You were everything you never saw yourself and he believed that you were everything you thought you weren't. How things ended in a blink of an eye, he will never know because up to this day, Taehyung is still looking for the answers to the questions that kept him up all night. Questions that made him question his worth to be loved.

He was a lawyer and lawyers are expected to have this sort of mask of confidence they had to wear at all times even when they cower inside. He could use it to his advantage but of course, him being him, he had to think of all the possible outcomes if he pushed it. The thought of visiting you nightly sounded good to him but one of the cons is that it might push you further away from him as if you weren't already far enough from his reach. The good thing is, what he logically thinks, is he'll finally have his questions answered.

There were a lot of whys inside his head but the bigger question right now is how. How will he approach you without rubbing you off differently? How will he even strike a conversation when you're flinchy around him. Most importantly, how will he get your undivided attention when all the time he had depended on the hours he booked a VIP room?

His attention was caught when his phone suddenly lit up. It was a text from his older brother Seokjin – actually, Seokjin's senses.

Seokjin Hyung: Stop drinking [2:34 AM]

Seokjin Hyung: I know you're drinking [2:34 AM]

He stifled a grin and replied after he finished his drink.

Taehyung: What the fuck [2:37AM]

Taehyung: How [2:37AM]

Seokjin Hyung: I felt a burn in my throat [2:37 AM]

Taehyung: Did you do some voodoo shit? [2:38 AM]

Seokjin Hyung: No, my inkling says so because I raised you and I am your brother [2:38 AM]

Taehyung: I'm grown enough to make logical decisions thank you very much [2:39 AM]

Seokjin Hyung: I hope you suffer in silence with your logical hangover tomorrow at dad's [2:39 AM]

Taehyung: I'm not getting wasted, just a sip [2:40 AM]

Seokjin Hyung: I bet my on mom's life that's more than just a sip [2:40 AM]

Taehyung: lol don't drag your mother like that [2:41 AM]

Seokjin Hyung: I could try but don't think Namjoon will [2:41 AM]

He frowned. Namjoon and Seokjin indeed raised him well and he is more than thankful to have someone who looked after him especially when he's the unwanted child. Living with his parents was pure hell but his older brothers made it bearable.

Taehyung is an illegitimate child from a bad affair his father had with one of his many women. On a cold December night, his mother died giving birth to him due to pregnancy complications. That same month, hell was raised in the Kim mansion when his father decided to bring him home to his family and introduced him to his older brothers and his stepmother.

Case 002: Attorney Kim (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now