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On the way to nowhere, the only sound inside Taehyung's car was the radio station playing noises kids these days considered as music. He watched you in his peripheral vision whenever he could, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable with his stares.

The universe must've been playing a bad practical joke on them. When the radio suddenly played , both of them sat frozen to their seats, blinking multiple times and avoided eye contact at all costs. Memories of slow dancing in the kitchen flooded the both of you like a tidal wave.

"Wow, didn't know they still played old songs on the radio," you awkwardly laugh, trying to lighten the mood, but Taehyung didn't give you any reaction. He just held on to his steering wheel firmly. ​​

You tried to brush it off as you focused on your phone. All he could do all throughout the drive was gulp. You were too busy on your phone to even notice he was watching you exchange messages with, who he's assuming, your new boyfriend, based on the smiles and giggles you were making.

Y/N: Hey, Jungkook. Watch over Sejin for me, will ya? [3:20AM]

Jungkook: What if I don't? [3:20AM]

Jungkook: Nah, jk. You know I will. Where are you going? [3:21AM]

Y/N: Just out with a friend [3:21AM]

Jungkook: No shit? You have friends? [3:22AM]

Y/N: Fuck off, of course I do [3:22AM]

Jungkook: Tell him I'm your boyfriend lol [3:23AM]

Y/N: You don't even know if I'm out with a guy [3:23AM]

Jungkook: Don't care, I'm here for the drama [3:24AM]

Y/N: omg you need help bye [3:24AM]

"Your boyfriend?" He asked, never taking his eyes off the road.

You wanted to combust from laughter but thought it might rub him a different way so you tried to keep it all in, "And if he is?"

Taehyung had already thought about the possibilities of you getting in a relationship with another guy. He also thinks he has come to terms with it until you gave him a vague answer. It's not like you'd go for the celibate route after your breakup, right? Change is inevitable – the only constant thing in this world that he sure as hell knows first hand.

He cleared his throat, "Well, is he treating you nicely?"

"Very," You nodded with glee. "He helps me take care of Sejin, too," and that's what made Taehyung feel a pinch on his heart.

Aside from thinking of how you are on idle days, he also thinks of how your baby brother is doing. He often wonders if he still remembers his favorite hyung or the weekends they spent at the playground; eating ice cream and talking about animals and toys.

"I wonder how he is nowadays," he smiled warmly at the thought of the boy.

"He asks about you sometimes," you know how much he loved your brother as much as you did. Heck, he even helped you raise him for the first few years of his childhood.

Taehyung was blinking with a surprised look on his face, "Really? Wow. Never thought he'd still remember me"

You giggled at the memories the three of you shared and it sounded so beautiful in his ears to hear it from you again, "Of course! You were technically his other brother"

"Glad to know your boyfriend's making it easier for you and Sejin," he parks his car and turns to you with a genuine smile.

"Such a good neighbor, no? His girlfriend is very lucky," He was so dumbfounded when you finally lost it and bursted in a fit of laughter.

Case 002: Attorney Kim (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now