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For Taehyung, you seemed like you were just busy covering overtime at work. You used to see him once a week to at least spend quality time with each other, but now that his professors are getting worse by the day and you are getting busy with more work than you can chew, all he could do was send you messages or facetime you which wasn't happening anymore the past few days.

You did everything you could to avoid him. No amount of scrubbing your body, even if you did it harsher than you already did, could get rid of the disgust and humiliation you felt. All you could do was cry in the shower and makeup excuses so that Taehyung would stop dropping by your house. It came to a point where you wanted everything to end, but you couldn't because Sejin would be alone in the world if you did.

When it felt like you just seemed to have stopped talking to him out of the blue, it bothered him so much that it started to affect his focus on his studies. He didn't know what was wrong, but all he knew was that his grades used to be doing so well, but now, everything he studied for a week seemed to have melted away from his head.

Unfortunately, today was one of the most awaited graded recitations with their terror professor, "What's your legal basis?"

The dean asked Taehyung, who shifted uncomfortably for the first time. He was trying to remember what he studied with you and Jimin earlier today, but his memory failed him miserably. Failing a recitation was normal, but not when you're Kim Taehyung; a regular name on the dean's list & the dean's favorite for heading the university's debate-winning team, and certainly not when this is a major course no one could afford to fail.

"According to–"

"Your provision, Mr. Kim," Jimin and his girlfriend watched as Taehyung struggled with his recitation. The professor only shook his head in disapproval with the way Taehyung wasn't doing his best lately.

"Sit down."

The dean gave everyone an earful on the spot, "Just because you think you've reached the final year of law school doesn't grant you the assurance you'll graduate. Your place here is earned, and so is your place in any firms you choose to work at."

All eyes were on Taehyung, "And just because some of you come from families of lawyers doesn't mean you deserve to earn the title. I don't care if your families are affluent; lawyers should know what they're talking about and have a stand with what they're defending."

"Being a lawyer doesn't mean you get to sit around in your suits and ties, you're working on real people with real – if not – much more serious problems to handle than the rest of you do. It is a privilege and a curse to have an individual's liability in your hands; either you go through your choices again or simply abandon this university and not practice law."

This wasn't very likely for him to forget important key points. His friends started to grow more worried for him, but this recitation was enough for Jimin already. Being the good friend that Jimin is, he called him out as soon as the lecture was over.

"Just where the fuck do you think you're going?" Jimin asked him as he watched him hurriedly stuff his things inside his bag.

"Out of here," Taehyung casually responds.

"I get that you're sad about some gir–," Taehyung grabbed Jimin by the collar and stared at him in the eye with anger.

"Finish that sentence, and I'll shove this pen right up your ass, Jimin."

The air was too thick to be intervened. They were aware that Taehyung was seeing someone, but they didn't really have any idea what got him so hell-bent about it. They assumed it was only a bad fight, but Taehyung never really shared anything anyway. He was always private about some parts of his life, only sharing bits he wanted so no one could have a say, and he preferred it that way.

Case 002: Attorney Kim (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now