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TW: Mentions of loss/death of a loved one.

Winter, Senior Year.

Every law student dreams of stepping and defending in court; It was the dream and the goal. Unfortunately, not everyone who studies law will either finish as a lawyer – it's either they get debarred, go on to do other business ventures, actually practice law, or just the typical student who's after the title.

Their class was huddled at the front of the courtroom, and everyone looked around in awe.

"We call this the bar. Only lawyers like me are allowed past it. And not just any lawyer. Only a few lawyers get to argue in this court. Any questions?" Everyone listened intently as their professor walked around the room, their eyes following wherever she pointed while explaining every corner and what purpose they serve before finally stopping at the bar to explain what it is and why it is important.

Jimin leaned towards Taehyung's ear and whispered, "Do you think it'll break if I twerked on that?"

His whisper was still a little bit too loud enough to be heard by some of their block mates' whose heads whipped in their direction as they snickered. All their friend could do was close her eyes in embarrassment.

"What the fuck is going on inside your head?" Taehyung glared at him.

"I don't understand how could someone be so smart also be so stupid at the same time," Choi mutters with a sigh.

"I've been asking the same question for how many years now," Taehyung rolled his eyes, trying his best to avoid Jimin's glares.

His phone vibrated inside his pocket so he excused himself to check who it was. The crease on his forehead was now replaced with a boyish grin as he read your name on his phone's screen. The both of you never talked about what you were – not lovers but not particularly strangers who have the same hunger for each other but whatever you call it, he liked being around you.

Y/N: Hey good looking, not going to your favorite diner to see your favorite waitress? [1:00PM]

Taehyung: Unfortunately, I'm not. We're on a courtroom tour right now. [1:00PM]

Y/N: Sounds fun. Learned anything new? [1:02PM]

Taehyung: I did but mostly things I'll learn when I'm already a lawyer [1:02PM]

Y/N: Oh, pretty boring if you ask me [1:03PM]

Y/N: Try to remember everything now. You never know, I might need you to hire you when the time comes lol [1:03PM]

Taehyung: Bold of you to assume I'd represent you, sweetheart [1:03PM]

Taehyung: But I'll do my best to save your ass [1:03PM]

Y/N: Of course, you'll miss grabbing it when I'm behind bars [1:04PM]

Taehyung: lol baby [1:04PM]

"What's got you smiling like that?" Jimin raised a brow at him, trying to have a peek at his phone to which he quickly hid in his pocket again.

"Had to talk over some business," he simply shrugs.

"Like what? Another car?" Jimin snickered.

He smacks Jimin's head from behind and groans. 'When will this dumbass let the car fucking die?' he thinks.

"You can have your car back, I just got mine fixed already." Jimin smirked at how his friend sounded.

"Finally! Someone who's responsible enough to drive us to the intern's get-together." Choi gave Jimin, who was punching the air with excitement, a side-eye, while Taehyung's shoulder slumped as he threw his head back. For sure it's gonna be a long night for him looking after his best friend while also looking after his crush's safety.

Case 002: Attorney Kim (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now