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The skies seemed to have known Taehyung's agony today.

It was a rainy evening on his father's birthday. He wasn't particularly too excited to go back to the Kim main mansion however, it was his dad's birthday and he always had a soft spot for him. He understood that his dad tried his best to be as balanced as possible; being the world's most okay dad while being the best husband to his not so likable wife. That being said, he still appreciated his father for everything he had ever provided for him when he could've just left Taehyung to fend for himself, or worse, starve in the streets of Daegu.

Taehyung clutched the Macallan M Scotch Whisky closely as he waltzed inside the large receiving area. His eyes wandered around the area, landing on several family portraits that never included him. Right at the center where guests can see it first hung a giant family portrait of the Kim family.

In the photo, the matriarch stood confidently with eyes as sharp as knives; almost as if telling him that he will never be part of this family. Beside her was his father who had a tight-lipped smile, one hand over a young Seokjin's shoulder who sat in front beside a younger Namjoon, both smiling at the camera. A picture-perfect family indeed and he was an intruder as per his stepmother's words.

He was too preoccupied with the portrait to even notice that Namjoon had stood beside him with a creased forehead, "They should have that replaced"

Both of them looked at the portrait with a heavy heart, "Not a fan of giant family photos?"

"Kind of. I look like a dork with thick glasses," Taehyung snorted at him.

"You look cute, hyung. Not as intimidating as you look now"

"Eh, I would've liked it better if you were in the photo," sighs Taehyung with a slumped shoulder.

The memory was clear as day. The day they had their photos taken, his stepmother was vocally against having Taehyung included in the family portrait. When they said words cut deeper than knives it was very true. Her words still rang in Taehyung's ear after all these years.

"Funny how you want to include a sewer rat in the picture," Taehyung bitterly chuckled, making Namjoon scowl at his choice of words.

"Oh, you're both here. Go inside the dining room, we're already preparing the food there," Seokjin peeked his head from the doorway and they both nodded as they made their way out of the area.

The more he walked, the heavier his feet felt. At the back of his mind, he badly wanted to go home and call it a day but of course, if he did that his witch stepmother would've said a lot of negative things about him again. He's already heard an earful of problems at work and hearing another snarky remark from her was definitely in his least priority of things to sort out. She was a work herself – work that he would gladly dodge at any time of the day.

Taehyung greets his parents, courteously bowing, and carefully places his gift on the table, "Happy birthday, dad"

His father perks up as soon as he sees him, "Thank you, Taehyung. You know what to get me, do you?"

Both of them shared a quick laugh but as much as he wanted to avoid unnecessary comments, he'll never be safe from it. His stepmother eyed him, disgusted by his mere presence, "Didn't you know alcohol is bad for your father?"

"Honey, it's fine. I'm not gonna drink all of it," his father's eyes pleaded for her to stop.

Taehyung stood stoically, "I'm sorry, ma'am. I'll quickly look for another gift"

"What? No no, it's fine. It completes my alcohol collection. This is perfect, son," his father tried to control the uneasy air to which Taehyung simply nodded and went to take his seat.

Case 002: Attorney Kim (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now