17 🔞

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There he was, standing in the middle of your living room, looking around the new space you and Sejin built and called home. It was smaller than your last home but taking note that you've upgraded some of your appliances to better ones, he assumed you've been living better than the last time the both of you were together.

"You can sleep in my room while I clean up," you tell him as you take off your shoes and put them away.

"Alright, it's just a nap I won't stay too long," you nodded and proceeded to tidy your small unit.

As soon as Taehyung entered your room, a weft of strawberry scent lingered. He remembered how you always smelled of strawberries and how much he told you he liked it.

You, on the other hand, stick to the same strawberry-scented shower gel because it reminded you of your mom. He carefully sinks himself to your bed, but as soon as his head whips to his right, he sees your very sexy costumes. He was baffled over the irony of you being the same person he met years ago but at the same time different.

"It's probably just the red hair," he mutters as he rested his head on your soft pillows. In no time, he immediately dozes off.

The day before was supposed to be your cleaning day, but since you had a lot of errands to run and Taehyung, who was eager to listen to your lengthy life story, you completely forgot about it. You badly needed a much-deserved break, even deciding whether or not you should call in sick at work, but there's nothing a good shower can't fix, especially after long hours of cleaning the place.

An hour of sleep can do wonders, and Taehyung was feeling the good effects of it as soon as he woke up. However, you didn't seem like you were big on humidifiers, so he woke up with a dry throat. He lays in bed for a minute, mindlessly staring at the walls before deciding to finally stand up and get himself a glass of water.

There was no sight of you when he walked out of your room. He thought you probably went out to grab yourself something or whatnot, so he just waltzed his way to the kitchen until you bumped into each other after you hit your toe's pinky in a corner, tripping straight to the floor with him. The position the two of you were in was eerily familiar – your weight resting on top of Taehyung while his hands held on your waist – just like that day at the parking lot.

"Hey Y/N....and Atty. Kim?" A pair of panicking eyes landed on a very dumbfounded Jungkook, whose eyes had grown bigger than they already are.

"Jeon?" Taehyung asked out of surprise. His head tilted back to look at Jungkook with knitted brows while holding onto your waist, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm...home?" Jungkook hasn't registered what was happening, but his senses are telling him now isn't a good time, "What are you doing here?"

"H-he doesn't live here!" You were too stunned to get off of Taehyung.

None of you spoke nor laughed. It was just dead silence between the three of you; Jungkook remained standing by the doorway with a bag of groceries in one hand. Taehyung, who looked at him upside down from where he's still lying on the floor, was still thirsty. And then there's you, adjusting the towel that wrapped around your body tightly.

"I– uh–should get going." Jungkook awkwardly points out with his thumbs, walking backward without taking his eyes on you and Taehyung.

"Please lock the door," you mumbled in a small voice, head hanging low from embarrassment.

"Um okay and I uh–" Jungkook clears his throat, "I'll just check back later in the day."

"Yeah, cool," you cleared your throat in awkwardness.

Case 002: Attorney Kim (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now