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Fall, Junior Year.

There were two things Taehyung dreaded doing:

Doing his laundry on the weekendsand the other was visiting his parents' house.

He chose to move out as soon as he started college – which was doing wonders for him mentally but that came with a price. It meant agreeing to his father's request that he and his older brothers visit him in their free time.

He could lie and say he's busy but they are the only sense of family he has left in the world and no matter how shitty his stepmom's treatment was, the gratefulness he has for his brothers and dad outweighed it. His brothers looked out for him and his dad tried to be a father to him in ways that sometimes didn't make sense to him; Dealing with his wife's dramatics and fathering to his illegitimate son.

"You're home," Seokjin greets him in a tight hug.

"Woohoo, the mansion, yay," he sarcastically retorted, making his brother laugh, "Where's dad and Lady Kim?"

"Lady who– you mean mom? They're out. Probably until dinner so you're safe," Seokjin gave him a thumbs up. "Taetae, I have to be at an important meeting but I'll be back before you know it."

He nodded, "Where's my niece?"

"She's by the pool with her babysitter."

Taehyung made his way to the garden. He thought of new ways of surprising her but none came to mind. He had already done every jumpscare he could ever think of and he knew that none of the old tricks would work on her anymore so he just threw all ideas out the window and just walked in casually.

"Uncle Taetae!" his niece runs up to him with arms wide open.

"Hi, pretty girl. Did you miss me?" His eyes softened as soon as they hugged.

The girl nodded, "Of course I did1"

"How much did you miss me?"

"I missed you this much!" She spreads her arms apart as wide as she can, "How about you? Did you miss me too, uncle Taetae?"

He nodded while fixing her hair, "Sure did. I also missed you–" he spread his arms further, "–this this this much!"

You watched the two of them giggle and found their bond endearing. Taehyung was tickling his niece while she was asking him to stop in between laughter. He only stopped when he lifted his head when he saw you standing in the corner. So much for the stalking allegations, you just gave him a small wave to which he gave one back.

He settles his niece and helps her straighten out her clothes, holding her hand as they make their way to where you are, "Y/N?"

"Hello, Taehyung," the little girl was surprised that both of you knew each other already just as she was about to introduce you to one another.

"How'd you know Ms. Y/N?" She motioned her hand for Taehyung to crouch so she could whisper something to which he obliged, "Is this your new superpower?"

Taehyung hums to play along and whispers back, "Don't tell anyone, or else I'll lose it." His niece was wide-eyed and amazed, nodding her while holding out her thumbs like her dad would always do.

He lifted his head and smiled at you for the first time, "Since when have you been babysitting Jieun?"

"I just started last week. The previous family I worked for recommended me to your sister-in-law so here I am." You tucked your hair behind your ear sheepishly. "By the way, totally not stalking you. Just doing one of my many jobs."

Taehyung snorted, "Sounds like something a stalker would say."

You rolled your eyes and shooed him with your hands, "Whatever helps you sleep at night, sir."

Case 002: Attorney Kim (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now