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TW: Sex*al Ab*se. Please skip if this triggers you.

This is the first time you and Taehyung were going out together again. Thank god your aunt offered to watch over your brother in the meantime. Unfortunately, this will be the last time she's babysitting him because her husband has been promoted to the other side of the country, which means she'll be moving away soon.

"Hyung will come back?" Sejin sadly asks before they leave.

"I will, don't worry about it. We'll be home before you know it," he ruffles the boy's hair.

"Hey, what about me? Won't you ask me if I'll come back?" You pouted.

"Noona always comes back," he giggled.

"What if I tell you we're not really siblings?" You teased, making Sejin's lower lip quiver. Sensing the waterworks that are about to start, Taehyung lightly pinches your side and motions for you to apologize right away.

Taehyung thought he had successfully dodged visiting the Kim mansion –well he did for almost 2 years. Unfortunately, his older brother, Namjoon, had sent him a text days ago, letting him know that they're all expected to be there for lunch.

So here he is again, at his personal hell that's embellished with expensive flooring and chandeliers, having to bear an agonizing lunch with the spawn of satan herself, his stepmother. The only good thing about it is he gets to see his niece again, and they let you come with him.

"I fucking hate it here," he sighed heavily.

You nudge him, trying to lighten up his mood, "Come on, babe. What could possibly go wrong?"

"Sadly, everything," he frowns.

You could feel how heavy his footsteps were as he dragged them inside. Sensing that your eyes were on him, he heaved a deep and heavy sigh, "I just don't want my stepmom throwing you off like she always does with me."

You clutched his hands tightly, giving it a reassuring squeeze, "It's all good, I'm a big girl, so stop worrying, okay?"

Both of you waltzed in the dining room while holding each other's hand; you held his bigger ones tightly to ease some nervousness out of his system, and also because his hands were getting colder and colder with every stride you took. Heads turned when you finally entered, and of course, your courteously greeted his family with a respectful bow.

"Look at my boy bringing someone over! Come, have a seat," his father gleefully points the chairs beside his brothers.

"Hey, Y/N! Good to see you again," Seokjin's wife greets you warmly and kisses your cheek.

"Hi! How's Jieun doing?"

"Thank god she's asleep upstairs," she dramatically holds her head, making you giggle.

You pan your head to your left and see that the matriarch is eyeing you in what seemed like disgust that quickly shifted to a sweet smile when your gazes met. You simply smiled back at her and nodded your head. It was awkward, and quite frankly, you secretly wished she wouldn't spare you one more glance. On the other hand, Taehyung's dad was the opposite – he was warm, and seemed like he didn't nitpick people regardless of their backgrounds.

"So, Y/N right? Which university do you go to?" he asks.

"I study in the same university as Taehyung, but I'm taking up education," his mouth formed an o at your response.

"Are you fond of children like Taetae?" you smiled at the nickname his father had for him.

"Yes, sir. I think being a preschool teacher is my calling," he nodded in approval.

Case 002: Attorney Kim (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now