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Spring, Sophomore Year.

Everybody and their mothers knew who Kim Taehyung is. Those who didn't were living under a rock and you were one of them. He came from a family of lawyers who ran multiple businesses all over the country and if you hadn't known by now, the Kims are probably your boss's boss's boss.

How could he be not recognizable when he's the illegitimate son his stepmother always wanted to puke out of their lives? She was always so open about it publicly but delivered it in the most subtle and sophisticated way as she could. Taehyung is the open family secret she loved to hate.

He was everything they said but he was more than that. Taehyung is more on the aloof side compared to his best friend and just as astute as his older brothers. He also tends to take action when needed or when he's insistent. On things he can never do much about, he just lets it slide and lives his life. He was one to never let outsiders' opinions get the best of him; instead, he proves them wrong and exceeds everyone's expectations.

He was somebody while you, well, you're just you. Surprisingly, even in your very busy schedule, you still did well academically; all while waiting tables at the diner near the university, part-timing in the university library, and babysitting rich kids on the weekend that paid handsomely.

The routine is exhausting but it helped you make ends meet – saving a little cash for yourself, your allowance, helping with expenses at home, and getting by your mother's racking hospital bills.

The year after she had given birth to your brother Sejin, the doctors diagnosed your mom with Stage II Leukemia. So instead of whining and moping around, you decided to help your dad with carrying the expenses – one job after the other.

He wanted to decline at first, but after much to your insistence, he finally gave in. The only condition he asked of you is you continue your studies no matter what happens. Sadly, money is very tight so you couldn't follow up with your mom's treatments as often as you should. Thankfully though, it's a miracle she's still with you.

You always get things done instead of ranting about how much you had to deal with. Only the privileged could do that so you simply go on with your day and get through your shift, putting back books on the shelves in alphabetical order.

You halt briefly after hearing people talk at the corner.

"Taehyung, I-I really, really like you. I just don't see why you can't choose me," the girl said in between sobs, sounding almost as if she was begging for his affection.

"I'm sorry that I can't give the same energy back. It's just that I'm not looking to be with anyone at the moment." He says in the nicest way possible.

The girl's mood suddenly shifted from sad to angry then happy – as if she went through all the stages of grief within two seconds, "I know why you're like this." She gives a dark smile while batting her lashes innocently, "It's because you're so unloved at home but it's okay, I can give you that."

You wanted to throw up at her manipulation, hoping this Taehyung guy wouldn't give in to her narcissistic behavior. 'Wow, there really are different breeds of crazy, huh?' you thought.

Taehyung remained stoic with no emotion on his face. He just eyed the girl coldly, "Please, leave."

"I- what?" Her gaze flickered in shock.

"I said leave and I'd appreciate it if you stop bothering me or my friends."

The girl silently makes her way out of the library with a defeated slump on her shoulder but seething in anger through gritted teeth. You assumed this was the first time she was turned down or her gaslighting didn't work. Either way, you sighed with relief that the guy knew better – audible enough for him to hear you.

Case 002: Attorney Kim (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now