09 🔞

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It felt like this was the longest day of the year but thankfully, your shift at the diner had finally finished.

Your back hitting your bed was all you could think about while helping Soobin and Yeonjun close down. If you were, to be honest, you would've called in sick today but you couldn't miss a single salary, and the tips you've been getting also help with the bills.

As you made your way out, you stopped at your tracks to take a good look at the silver Porsche that was parked in front of your workplace and a certain Kim Taehyung standing beside it with arms crossed was waiting for you.

Normally, you'd only find him in three places:

The library where you worked as a student assistant where you would help his group study find readings while he watched your ass from behind as you walked away to find materials
The diner where he and two of his regularly had their lunch
and the Kim mansion where you babysat his niece Jieun; while his eyes scanned through your body but only smiling when you catch his gaze on you. Seeing him in the parking lot after work isn't one of them.
Admittedly, Taehyung wasn't even sure why he was doing this in the first place. There was something inside him that told him he needed to see you as often as he could.

The trips to the mansion just to see you and his niece were very stressful whenever his stepmom would come home. Though he enjoyed spending quality time with Jieun, he also couldn't get enough of your casual flirting.

Your eyes lit up as you walked towards him, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I don't know, waiting for the nice waitress who served me today?"

Your head tilted to the side, "Why? Did you forget something inside?"

"Actually," he opens up the passenger's seat and seems like he's looking for something inside, "I forgot to give her my tip. I know I put it in here...somewhere..."

"It's fine you can come back tomorrow and–"

"There it is, found it!" Taehyung raised a paper bag with a grin on his face

Your eyes widened in shock, "WHAT'S THAT?"

"For you." He handed you the paper bag but you were reluctant to take it.

This sure as hell was not a tip. Tips looked like green paper not big white paper bags with a handle, "I- look, I was just doing what was asked of me. Tips aren't mandatory...sir"

His brows knitted together, "Can you at least look at it first before declining?"

"Fine," you sighed as you took the bag. You carefully pulled out a box then slowly lifted the flap over only to be shocked, "Holy fucking– Taehyung!"

"You like it?" A few tears escaped from your eyes out of joy.

"I do but," you shook your head, "I can't take this."

Taehyung frowned, "Why? Did I get the wrong colorway? We can still change it if you'd like."

You shook your head, "No. It's just...This isn't any generic pair of sneakers, these are the expensive designer ones that cost more than all my tips combined!"

"It's just shoes, Y/N," he says nonchalantly.

"I know but like–"

"But do you like it?" He was now looking at you intently, patiently waiting for your honest response.

You took a good look at the box in your hands. It would be a lie to say you didn't like it when it looks sturdy and pretty. You weren't raised to have the liberty of choosing one brand over the other and you were also completely fine with having knockoffs if you were being honest because, at the end of the day, a shoe is still a shoe; only the rich care about acquiring original pieces anyway.

Case 002: Attorney Kim (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now