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There were three things you and Taehyung forgot last night:

1. Planning an actual wedding for formality.
2. The problem is now in front of you – Sejin and Jungkook sat across from you and Taehyung in your living room.

"I have something to tell you," you fiddled with your fingers with anxiousness.

"Please don't tell me you're pregnant from last time," Jungkook deadpans at you as he ate the chips he shared with Sejin.

"What happened last time, hyung?" Sejin whispered as he looked up at Jungkook to which he just shook his head with eyes closed, bringing a finger against his lips.

"Sejin, stop whispering. I can still hear you," you warned your brother, and that made him quickly sit properly, "Okay, so, anyway, Taehyung and I got married last night. Just wanted to let the important men of my life know."

Jungkook choked on air while Sejin jumped with so much joy as he ran towards Taehyung to give him a hug, to which Taehyung welcomed him with open arms.

"You're really my hyung now?" Taehyung nodded.

"Hey! I'm your hyung, remember?" Jungkook playfully pouts, making Sejin giggle.

"You are! But Taetae hyung is my hyung hyung," he says proudly.

Jungkook dusted off the chip remnants in his hand and extended his hand to Taehyung, gripping it firmly as he shook it, "Atty. Kim, good luck with your sanity. I'll be praying for your welfare the way you did with mine. If you need me to teach you how to stop Y/N from burning your house, you know where to find me."

You glared at him, running your thumb across your neck while your mouth 'I'll kill you' made him flinch, "Fuc– I mean hey! I'm not that bad."

He winced when you accidentally hit him too hard, "Ow! I was about to ask you guys something." He rubbed his arm gently, moving away from you for his own safety, "Is Y/N resigning from her fake accounting job?"

"Fake accounting–What?–She doesn't–Oh," Taehyung's lifted brow suddenly went down when he finally understood what Jungkook was trying to say.

You and Taehyung silently exchanged unsure glances at each other. You know Taehyung would never ask something big from you, but since you were married to a respectable man already, you thought it was time to finally go and live your new life.

Chewing on your bottom lip, you looked down as you tried to fight the right words to say, "We haven't talked about it yet, but I plan to."

Jungkook nodded with approval, "Good, good. I don't wanna be your driver anymore."

"Her driver?" Taehyung asked with furrowed brows.

"I'm an engineer, not a chauffeur," Jungkook looked at him, also with furrowed brows, "I used to fetch her after work whenever I'm nearby."

'So much for being a lawyer who keeps assuming shit,' Taehyung grunted at the realization. All along, he thought you were riding in a regular customer or your alleged boyfriend's car after work.

"By the way, won't you tell noona and Atty. Park about the news?" Jungkook turned his head back to Taehyung, but he wasn't catching on who this noona was or why he had to let her know of his wedding.

"I'm sorry, who?" Taehyung lifts a brow, "And no, I haven't told Jimin about it yet."

Taehyung frowned at the situation at hand. Jimin might feel out of place, or worse, sad during the wedding. He was always used to seeing him and his girlfriend being together, even shared the same sadness with his best friend when they suddenly decided to end things. He always thought that they would've gotten married first, but fate had other plans for the three of them.

Case 002: Attorney Kim (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now