Untitled Part 7

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Jade and I became fast friends. Her two years seemed more like ten when it came to knowledge about the werecat world and she was happy to help. She stayed by my side during all the interviews and for that I was grateful. When the Kalb family came in, we watched as they demonstrated Tahtib as an ancient and beautiful dance with ceremonial sticks. They wore traditional Egyptian garments in whites and blue. The fabric on their costumes moved with the body and created the illusion of water. In my head I sarcastically thought that this dance would be so beautiful that my enemies would fall into a stupor at my feet and decide to leave me alone.

Jade was quick to interrupt my dismissive thoughts, "Stop making fun, and pay attention! It's about to get good." I heard her voice clearly in my head. Her two year advantage could also make her bossy!

I focused back on the dance just in time to see three black clad figures, Egypt's equivalent to a ninja, sneak in to disrupt the show. Whirling swords and nunchucks moved so fast they created a blur. I secretly thought the Kalb family was in over their heads.

Suddenly those sticks weren't just for dance. They clashed and banged with deadly precision. I have never encountered gymnastics with weapons but I saw flips and kicked to rival the best floor routines. When the three attackers had been theatrically dispatched, the Kalb family turned and took a dramatic bow. I noticed that the shortest one was actually a girl about my size.

"That's Dalya," Jade messaged me. "She is quick and strong and likes to be the best. She will make sure no one messes with you." She turned to me and rolled her eyes, I could tell she wasn't a big Dalya fan.

Dalya had two older brothers, Abrax and Joseph. They were ten and twelve, and as big as houses. Their long dark hair was tied back from their faces and they wore the native outfits in dark blues and whites. After their performance the top sash had loosed on each of them revealing very muscular chests for kids so young. Typically, after all my time conditioning at gymnastics, I am the strongest person in the room.

They invited me to try some basic moves and I was happy to get started. I wanted to show off some of my skills. They showed me the proper way to hold the sticks for defense. I would learn to attack later, they promised. Dalya showed me a combination move involving a cartwheel and a sidekick. She aggressively swirled the sticks throughout, in a manner sure to intimidate. I tried just the cartwheel portion with the sticks, my feet got tangled and I fell on my butt in front of everyone. Dalya's back was to my Grandparents, they could not see the pure evil sneer radiating from her face. From their vantage point she looked concerned, quickly trying to help me stand back up. Mr. Kalb was proud of his children but I could see that he clearly thought I was lacking. I would show him!

Dalya didn't speak to me, but I could feel her watching me as I interacted with her brothers. I almost felt like she was sizing me up, like I was the prey and she the hunter. No one else seemed bothered by her so I put it out of my mind and resolved to make friends with her later. Maybe she was just shy.

When the Kalb's had gone and we had showered, again, we received a summons to the terrace for lunch. I was embarrassed to admire that my muscles were starting to ache after that brief workout. Boy was Coach going to have a field day with my out of shape self when we got home.

Lunch was an amazing display of locally caught fish, freshly plucked out of ther homes that very morning while we were at the training grounds. There are not enough known words to describe the flavors that rose from this bounty. It was served with a sweet flatbread that I didn't catch the name of but I knew I would never again complain about bread! Scrumptious! The chef's here really know how to cook.

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