Chapter Fifty Two

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    They brought the sandwiches back to happy soldiers, who were content to eat before starting out. The park was full of people anyway, out enjoying a rare warm day in winter, so there wasn't any rush. Children played football, couples shared smooches on blankets, and students studied out of doors in groups and by themselves.

As the day wore on, more people began to arrive. They came in groups, with heavy blankets and looked as if they meant to stay awhile. Dakari, bewildered by the behavior, gave up and went to take a nap under a tree.

Curious by nature, Maggie set out on a stroll to get some answers. She walked aimlessly around a bit, then sat on a little hill in the sun near some young mothers.

"Your baby is just breathtaking," she cooed to a frazzled looking mother.

The lady turned her attention to Maggie, smiled, and wiped the baby's drool with a cloth. "She certainly likes you, this might be the only time she has stopped crying all day." The baby grinned and kept drooling.

"She was probably fussing because she wanted to go play with all the big kids." Maggie offered, trying to keep the conversation going. The baby was certainly tracking the football players as if she were ready to join in.

"Chances are she's over-stimulated. Just wait till the fireworks start tonight! I don't know why my husband insisted we come to this." She complained. "A baby out in mid winter, sheesh! We'll all catch our death from this."

"Men!" Maggie joined in, sounding exasperated.

"Is your husband on the fishing crew also, or does he work in the office?" She asked, "you don't sound like you're from around here?"

"Actually, my husband is asleep over there under the trees," Maggie pointed out Dakari. "We came up here for a quiet afternoon, boy were we surprised. We're on holiday from Egypt."

"Oh, then you probably don't know the story. My husband's boss's little girl was kidnapped at this very park. The poor baby was found today, and we came out to celebrate. Everybody here works for him and knows the little girl."

Maggie messaged Dak to get her out of the conversation. It seemed like this woman was enjoying having an adult to talk to. Dakari didn't move, apparently sound asleep and oblivious to Maggie's dilemma.

She messaged him again, loud, and repeatedly. She mimicked what their mother would do on a school day when they were growing up. The baby started to fuss just as Dak started moving. Maggie made a show of being needed by her mate. While the woman was consoling her infant, Maggie hastily retreated.

Quick as a whip, Maggie knelt by Dakari. From their hiding spot with the helicopter she knew the others could hear her.

"Might as well get comfortable kids, it's going to be a while. This celebration is all in honor of Lainey. They're shooting off fireworks at seven." Maggie laid down next to Dakari and shut her eyes.

The others looked at each other dismayed. Everyone was anxious to get home. "We will use their fireworks to cover the sound of the helicopter." Said the pilot, "everyone be buckled in before they get started."


After some bonding time on the beach, a few of the alphas began to yawn. It was time to turn in, but no one wanted to leave before Katalea. It had been a long day and meetings would start first thing in the morning. Katalea noticed, and honored at the respect, said her farewells.

The morning dawned clear, with a light mist over the sea. No clouds in the sky, and the warmth of the sun was already beginning to absorb the dew. After a pre-dawn counseling session with her Grandfather, Katalea messaged all the alphas to have as many of their people meet by the ferry as possible. A raised platform had been erected there and larger crowds could see and hear her announcements from this vantage point.

"I called you all here this morning to welcome you all to our new Pride!" Word had obviously gone out the night before as the crowd began chanting "Freedom, Freedom." It was a glorious sound to behold. The celebrations continued uncontrolled for ten minutes before Katalea stepped back to the microphone.

"While we are all celebrating, I think this would be a good time to share some more good news with you." The crowd hushed and all looked expectantly at her. The leaders had been informed the night before, but she assumed not everyone knew.

"Dakari has been rescued! He will be home today. In fact, he will be home in about an hour.!" The already jubilant crowd went wild. It had been so long since they had any good news.

This time Katalea spoke over the cheering. In the distance she could see the ferry approaching and she knew some would need to leave. She wanted to make sure everyone was present for her announcements. "I am setting up a new message system. For now, I will message your previous alphas, and they will in turn message their groups. We need a way to inform everyone immediately of important news and we can't meet here at the ferry everyday." Nods of ascent all around, and a few chuckles could be heard.

"We have all had a few days off from training, and all should be rested. We will start back with the midnight shift tonight." The crowd were divided on this, and Katalea could see Jade looking conspiratorially at her mate.

"I have one more thing to share this morning, the real reason I called you all here." She turned as the ferry docked. The ferry master himself hopped out, waving to the crowd, and made a show of securing it to the dock. A long canvas had been secured with ropes along the side. The ferry master hastened back up the gangplank, theatrically climbed to the main knot and with one tug, released the canvas. In large orange script the ferry now read, "Freedom Seeker." As they all watched, orange and red balloons, previously hidden, were released. A crew member stepped to the bow with a large bottle of champagne.

"May we all hunt for freedom together," he yelled, raising the bottle over his head. Together they christened the boat in style.


Dalya had spent the night in the clinic. Watchful eyes monitored her heart rate and pulse. Her energy level was back up after a night of intravenous fluids and she was released mid-day with the promise that she would continue to rest. The doctor assured grandfather that he had done all the bloodwork, and if anything was amiss they would know in the next few days. The lab work had to be sent to the mainland for results, and these things took time.

Dalya didn't mention that her scars were burning her from the inside out. She wanted people to stop fussing over her. She was ready to go home and start putting her life back together. "If they're still bad in a few days, I will come back." She thought. Right now it felt as if someone were welding her scars from the inside.

Not wanting anyone to see her wincing in pain, Dalya pretended to move slowly for Grandfather's sake. She controlled her breathing and answered him in a smooth calm voice.

"I would love to join you for breakfast." He eyed her response carefully. "Can we have it at my house though?"

Grandfather informed her, in his alpha voice, that she would be staying in her same room next to Katalea until the blood work was back. Dalya rolled her eyes, but didn't bother to put up a fight. "Once an alpha, always an alpha," she thought.

Breakfast was brought to them on the terrace. Enormous pancakes served with raspberries and whip cream was always one of her favorites. Grandfather had found this out from the Kalb's former cook and had it prepared as a surprise.

With the sun on her shoulder, a blanket on her lap, Dalya thought she was going to be ok. A few days of this and she would be back to the training yard. She knew the responsibility of taking over the Tahtib training fell to her, and she would need to train some assistants.

When the scent of pancakes reached her nostrils, she felt her mouth fill with saliva, and she could actually feel her temperature rise. She jumped up, the pain searing through her midsection and she ran for the bathroom. She slammed the door, and clutching her side where her scars were now on fire, she wretched.

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