Chapter Forty Nine

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"Plymouth is about five hundred miles away, we need to get going! Let's load the helicopter."

"You have a helicopter? Why do you bother with a helicopter if you can fly?" Lainey asked, knowing she would never get on a plane again if she had that ability.

"It takes enormous energy to fly. We would have to take many breaks to get there safely. The helicopter is good for long distances. Would you like another ride? Penny asked, sensing Lainey's disappointment.

"More than anything."she beamed now.

While they were cleaning up the area that had been home-base for two days, Dakari went out to check the area. He scented no sulphur, and saw no traces of any abnormal behavior. He came back in, everybody but climbed on Maggie's back and removed their invisible wall. The cool air rushed in reminding Lainey that it was still winter. Maybe there would be snow at home.

Flying for what seemed like seconds, they emerged into an open meadow. Not realizing why they were stopping, Lainey sat patiently on Penny's back, waiting to take off again. Without any preamble, Penny shifted into human form, said some words and the helicopter appeared. It was nestled back against the edge of the forest, somewhat hidden in case some wandering tourist out for a nature walk should happen upon it.

They climbed in as one of the soldiers did a pre-check. Within minutes the rotors were turning and they were in the air. Looking down, the lush green countryside sped by as Lainey's excitement grew, she was headed home!

They stopped for fuel, and for breakfast along the way. With a full stomach, the vibration of the helicopter soon had Lainey's eyes drooping. She leaned on Dakari's shoulder as she had so many times before, and fell fast asleep. As they began to cross the Irish Sea, Dakari looked at her little face and wondered how someone so young could be so brave. Somehow, in all she had been through she was able to trust him and fall asleep. He knew he would always do right by her, he would take his role of honorary big brother seriously.

"We need a plan, we can't leave her like this." Penny spoke what they were all thinking.

Maggie nodded, "Couldn't we just take her home with us? We have counselors that could help her deal with her trauma." The thought of Lainey racing around with a group of werecats on the beach was a pleasant idea, but not realistic.

"She needs her parents, her family." Penny insisted. "It's really hard going through life alone," a look of wistful longing showed for a second in her pretty face before she blinked it away.

"I've been thinking about it too, I have an idea," Dakari shook his head sadly, "I just can't see another way."

He laid out his plan. Their first reaction was to stare at him in horror. As he explained his reasoning, the girls relented. Together they came to the same conclusion, there really was no other option.

"You must do it as soon as we land, before she sees her parents," Maggie spoke softly, knowing her words would hurt him. It would be up to him, it had to be. He would betray that trust he just vowed to protect, but he would do it quickly so she would feel no pain.

"She's been so kind and so brave, she deserves to be celebrated, not this...this..." the helicopter tilted left on an air current and Lainey's head slipped back and shook her awake before Penny could finish her sentence.

"Are we there yet?" Lainey was wide awake now, bright eyes looking from face to face. "Why do you all look so sad? Are the dragons back?" Panic instantly entered her eyes.

With that, her fate was sealed, Dakari couldn't leave her in constant fear.


They stood as one Pride at the memorial. Katalea thought of Dakari's warning and turned to look for drones. Finding none, she defiantly smiled towards the trees where she could imagine drones to be hiding. She had once thought this island impenetrable, she was now wiser and less trusting. If a dragon could come and snatch a werecat off the beach, hiding a camera would be child's play.

She held hands with Dalya, a tentative bond to say the least, but Katalea thought she could use the support. She had not eaten breakfast and looked a little sallow.

Abe's name was not mentioned, it was like he never existed. This was hard for Katalea. Having grown up in a human town, these instinctive feline qualities did not always agree with her.

The service itself was lovely. A tahtib performance was put on by the youngest werecats to be trained by Mr. Kalb. It was reminiscent of the day Katalea first laid eyes on Dalya. She wondered if Dalya remembered. Looking over at her, she saw tears flowing. It was likely she was remembering that and much more.

The newest werecats to be brought to the island had very young children. Dressed in white they walked to the shore carrying Mr. Kalb's ashes. Grandfather stood with them, tears in his eyes as he remembered his friend. He conjured a cluster of white butterflies that engulfed the children. Flitting this was and that they took the ashes out of their little hands and glittering in the sunlight like tiny diamonds, scattered the ashes over the incoming waves. It was a moving scene, fit for the man whose love for his Pride new no bounds.

Katalea, feeling the joy of it, raised her and Dalya's joined hands and imagined a rainbow. It appeared out of the mist and brought a delighted cry from the children. Releasing Katalea's hand, Dalya dropped to her knees. She had lost everything, it was almost too much to bear.

Grandfather came to her, lifted her up, and hugged her fiercely. "We are your family now."

She nodded, and held him tightly. He noticed her yellowed complexion but made no comment. She needed food, and rest, lots of rest. They needed to get her to the doctor, do the bloodwork and make sure the dragons had not given her something that was poisoning her blood. They obviously had brought her back for some reason.

With the entire group all gathered on the beach, Katalea decided to use the time to broach the subject of unifying the Pride's.

"I am grateful for your support for the man who was like a second father to me. It was his dream to see us all united. With all that has been going on here since I became alpha I haven't felt the time was right to discuss this. As I look around now and see so much love and respect for one another, I think the time is now. In honor of Mr. Kalb, my mentor, my friend, I would like to invite all the alpha's to meet tonight, here, on the beach. Neutral territory to discuss this. We will have a bonfire big enough to be seen by him in his new home in the heavens."

A spattering of applause surprised Katalea. She had expected some resistance to the idea. Instead she saw many nodding their heads and whispering amongst themselves. It was almost as if they had been waiting for this moment.

"Let us go now to the training yard and share stories of the best Tahtib teacher ever." With that she went to the children. She scooped up the littlest of them and carried her on her back. The children swarmed her, all trying for a little attention. In the commotion, she didn't see that Dalya had to be carried out.

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