Chapter Nineteen

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When we finally arrive in Egypt, Maggie is there to meet the plane. I didn't know I could love another like I love Maggie. It is so good to see her, we hug forever before noticing we are the last ones on the tarmac.

After the long flight we all piled into different cars and vans sent by Grandfather. Maggie and I rode together in the first car. Dalya was probably jealous about that too, I couldn't keep up with her emotions.

When we finally pulled up to the ferry I noticed the long line of cars waiting to be searched before entering. To the left I could see the walk-on customers in a single file line that snaked around the Ferry Master's office. It looked as if everyone had some sort of ID they had to show before they were searched. I wondered what they could be searching for.

We never had to check in at the Ferry Masters Office, I'm sure Grandfather's official car did not need to be searched. All the cars and vans Grandfather sent carried the official crest on the front windshield. The crest is so familiar to me now, I remember seeing it on the drivers cap that first summer when I was eight. I knew at that time I had seen it before, but I couldn't place it. Years later, I had seen a broach of Mom's with the crest on it. She had carried it with her even when they were all estranged.

The motorcade barely slowed as we drove straight through the gates and onto the ferry. I never realized how many islanders worked on the mainland. In all honesty, I had never realized how many islanders there were.

As soon as I step out of the car at Grandfather's estate, I am pulled into the biggest family embrace I ever remember experiencing. Uncle Peter and Aunt Pria are even there. My family is typically not very demonstrative with our emotions but today is not a usual day. Except for Mom, we are all back together, for good this time. The host of people around us are all bowing, waiting to be acknowledged.

"Please rise my beloved family." I call out. There are smiles and hugs everywhere. The San Diego contingent is home.

Maggie left me with promises to catch up later. Jade would be done with whatever project she was working on and would join us too.

Servants disappear with my belongings and I am whisked off to a bubble bath big enough to swim in. Regardless of how decadent the bath is, I make quick work of getting the days' grime off me.

The fluffiest robe ever made awaits me and I am led to a massage area. I am worked on by two extremely handsome men covered in silver jewelry, who seem to be in the middle of a domestic argument. Between the two of them their bangles and rings bang against each other to make a rhythmic melody.

I giggle at their antics but soon tune them out. This feels heavenly! Muscles I didn't know were sore are relishing this, I close my eyes for just a moment.....

I awake and the room is empty, the only light coming from the fireplace in the corner. There is a light tray of food, and a pitcher of cucumber-lemon water waiting for me if I should wake hungry. I have no idea what time it is or how long I have been asleep. I rise, and as soon as I do servants are there to see to my every need. I ask to be shown to my room so I can get dressed and go see my grandparents.

They take me on a different path to my room. I do not recognize this part of the house. Have they had the place redone since the last time we were here? The servants stop outside double doors and step aside so I can open the doors. I look from one to the other unsure of what to do. I recognize the golden eyes of the boy who tried to carry my bags all those years ago. I smile at the memory, I thought he was trying to steal my bag. I wonder if he remembers?

Not seeing an option as both of them keep looking at me and grinning, I open the door to the suite of my dreams.

The entire room is done in a honey cream tone. It looks so relaxing and calm. Color is brought in with many little pillows in various shades of green. A potted palm tree stands as guard as I sweep into the room. There is a large brick fireplace near a rose gold antique vanity on one wall. Two steps lead down to an office not visible from the sleeping area.

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