Chapter Forty One

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Lainey found it much easier to climb back up to the ledge in the light from the crystals. In no time she found herself eye to eye with Dakari. He was laying on his side, eyes open but only somewhat coherent.

When he saw her he jumped. His eyes opened wide and a huge grin replaced the vacant stare of a moment before.

"I thought you didn't make it. I thought somehow you fell off the ledge and drowned." Dakari gushed, "I've never been so happy to see someone." He pulled her the rest of the way up, and gave her a warm hug. She didn't realize she had been so cold and wet until she felt heat radiate through her, and for the moment her clothes were dry.

Lainey was touched. It had been so long since someone cared if she was ok. She thought of her parents, of going home, and got inspired. She could be wrapped up in a bear hug with her family by tomorrow if they could get to the town she had seen while with Essam. Tears came to her eyes and she forced them down. She had to be brave just a little while longer.

"Dakari, I found the way out! I am sorry I scared you, but while you were recovering I went exploring. Can you see those rocks that sort of form a circle?" She pointed to the cave opening that she had just minutes before been seated on.

Dakari turned his gaze but could not see. He squinted his eyes, tilted his head one way then another.

"I don't see it, but I believe you." Dakari kept peering at the cave wall. With freedom so close he gathered his strength. "Let's do this!"

They gathered as many red crystals as they could. Pockets were packed as Dakari promised it would bring good luck. He managed to conjure another silver cup and they drank their fill. Thirst quenched, they made their way down to the cavern floor. The red light from the broken stalactite still bounced off the rocks and they began their ascent.

Within minutes they found themselves at the opening. Lainey climbed out first, with Dakari at her heels. They were free! Once outside they moved as quickly as they could lest a wave send them plummeting. They reached a plateau that looked higher than the waves and stopped to rest. Above them thick smoke was billowing out of the cave, the smell of meat grilling filled the air.

Realizing they were directly below the cave entrance to the dragon's lair had them scrambling sideways looking for a hiding place to regroup. Her taste buds defied her and she drooled in spite of herself.

They found another plateau and watched dragons circling the skies. The moonlight cast enough light to see enormous forms soaring heavenward. Raucous laughter could be heard clearly and what sounded like curses in Russian were hurled at one another. Apparently, the weredragons were celebrating. Dakari and Lainey looked at each other and without a word sunk back against the wall. They were wet and cold, and Lainey shivered with fear. Not exactly the good luck she had imagined was the last thought she had before dozing off, her head resting on Dakari's shoulder.


Katalea calmly walked back into the house. All around her chaos sounded. Voices rose and fell as the retelling scourged her ears. Shock and outrage at the events on the beach was a palpable pulse in the room. It was obvious the scene on the beach had traveled faster than she had. As she walked through the house the noise stopped. All those in her path stopped murmuring and immediately took a knee. Heads were bowed and some prostrated themselves on the floor. This formal gesture was not used on a daily basis, but Katalea was touched that her Pride stood with her.

"Please rise, and accept my humble gratitude for your loyalty." She said and a tear slid down her face.

Trying to hold emotions in check she hurriedly turned for the back stairs. She made it to her cozy window bed, picked up her pillow and wept in solitude. Abe had been her best friend for so long, they could never bridge that gap now. She looked over to her desk table and saw a picture of them back in San Diego. They were such a happy couple then. What had gone wrong?

When had the gaining the power of being alpha overtaken him? She remembered the scene at her birthday party. Had it always been there and she just hadn't seen it? She had been such a fool. He had never truly been her friend. She could see now it was all a ploy. What a fool she had been! But no more, she was stronger than he realized. She did not need a mate to be the black panther, and certainly not one such as Abrax. She would give herself this moment to grieve, then it was time to find Dalya and bring her home.

Both her grandparents came in, quietly rushing to her side as her body convulsed. With them, she didn't have to pretend to be strong. With them, she could let her emotions show.

Grandfather picked up her hand, kissed it and used his other hand to raise her face to his. Looking into those kind eyes she knew he understood what she was going through.

"Sometimes a young male werecat must go rogue and start his own pride. It is a shame that this could not have been achieved amicably. You did what you had to do." He nuzzled her as a lion would his young.

Grandmother sat rubbing her back and hair, "You handled a bad situation with clarity and dignity. Any less would have left your Pride questioning your leadership."

"How is Mr. Kalb? This has got to be the worst day of his life?"

"He is not well, he was having chest pains. We have taken him to the clinic. He is distraught over Dalya and disgusted at Abrax. He is grateful you didn't send him to his death, as was your right."

"It is out of respect for him that Abe lives. He has always been a driving force in my growth. He taught me, challenged me, and never let me settle for mediocre. He was a wonderful alpha to us in San Diego. I learned a lot from him," Katalea remembered his teachings clearly. "He would never have allowed such disrespect from his Pride, nor would he allow me to."

"He is my oldest and wisest friend. I can't imagine the pain in his heart right now." Grandfather shook his head. "He is strong, he will get through this."

"Can I go to him?" Katalea looked at Grandmother hopefully.

"It is kindness you show, young Princess," Grandmother crooned. "I couldn't be more proud. I will take you when the doctor says he is ready to receive guests."


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