Chapter Ten

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The school year finally ended and it was all I could do not to cry. Nothing could be said that day to change my elation. I did a little hop skip combination as I neared my house. I was free of these stupid humans for three months. No more looking over my shoulder fearing the next attack from Dalya's crew. No more waiting to see what she had in store for me next.

When I burst through the front door I was still feeling like a prisoner on his first day out of jail. I found Darrius packing food into a box. In went bread, peanut butter, chips, and little cakes. Talk about carb overload! The cheery look on his face mirrored my emotions. Derrick came in with his fishing gear all packed and a ratty backpack dangling from his shoulder. Typically, if the twins are this happy it's because of some girl. These two had make it their mission this year to date every girl in our small beach town.

"Where are you guys off to?" I asked.

They looked at me as if I was from Mars.

"Uh....boy's trip...we have been talking about it for weeks." Darrius sighed.

My brothers really did think I was slow witted. I was so wrapped up in my own drama that I hadn't paid attention to anything around me. I had no clue what they were talking about.

"Oh yeah, sorry, slipped my mind." I lied.

I knew I had sworn not to use my powers on humans, but no one would be the wiser if I planted a thought he was bound to have anyway. I concentrated on Derrick, "Brag about it, she'll be so jealous." I thought over and over.

Sure enough, he rounded on me, "No girls allowed either, well, unless there's some pretty ones already at the lake." He laughed.

"The lake." I thought. "I got it now." I vaguely remembered some talk about this.

Darrius thought his brother's comment was pretty funny. There was a lot of fist bumping and male noises I can't begin to duplicate. These two think pretty highly of themselves.

I decided to have a little fun at their expense, "Did you guys find a way to get cell service out there? How are you going to survive a week without your phones?" I asked, the face of innocence. How's that for slow witted?

The looks exchanged between the dynamic duo were priceless. This thought hadn't occurred to them yet. A week without social media, or texting all their little girlfriends...

I cheated on my oath again and listened to their thoughts. Being twins I expected their thought process to be identical too, I wasn't disappointed.

"Aw man, this sucks. How did Dad talk us into this? I'm too old for camping trips with no girls. I should be here trying to get Allie to let me go a little further." I don't know who thought what, but their thoughts all ran down the same path.

I figured Mom had more to do with this trip than Dad. We needed a way to be gone for a week without questions. They thought we had planned a boring shopping trip to the city, complete with nails and hair. This was certain to make all the men in my family flee. Couple that with a few mental suggestions about a "boys" trip and the rest was history.

I knew Mom had told everyone that I had qualified to an exclusive gymnastics camp for the summer to train with the other girls vying for a spot on the national team. This way I could spend the whole summer with Jade without worry.

Grandpa had built me a gym there, so I could train, but without a coach it would just be basics. That was fine with me, I needed a mental health holiday. Right now, my dream of making the national team seemed so unimportant. The only thing that mattered to me was to be left alone. I couldn't take much more of those kids from school. Some days I would get so close to lashing back at them but somehow I managed to reign my power in and just take it.

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