Chapter Fifteen

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Nationals this year were in Utah. To win here could lead to an international assignment. Every gymnast dreams of not only making the national team, but getting an assignment abroad. I was now old enough to vie for a spot on the senior squad. The juniors could only do dual meets, and meets between just two countries often took place within the United States. As a senior I could hope for the World Championships, or in three more years, the Olympics. I just had to stay healthy and focused.

I had my nerves in check as my roommate and I got ready for our first day. Coach was already at the venue as our gym had a girl in the junior session earlier in the morning. Today was actually just a training session to let us all get used to the equipment. I was excited to see friends from other competitions that I haven't seen since last year. I was looking forward to showing off my new skills.

Mom was with me as always, but this year my brothers would be in attendance as they attend college in Utah. It was great to see them, and they proclaimed to be amazed at how much I had changed.

They sure were handsome, especially for humans. Maybe they got the insane good looks gene from their werecat side! In true twin fashion they could look at each other and know what the other was thinking, it was like they had twin mental messaging. They both had a current girlfriend with them, and no surprise, they were both gorgeous. It was nice to see them with girls that could actually hold a conversation for a change.

As we exited the elevator in the convention center the atmosphere changed immediately. No one was moving, heck, no one appeared to be breathing. Even my brothers and their dates were frozen stiff. What the hell was going on? I could move, and I wanted to run and hide, but where to run to? How could I leave Mom and the boys here?

I turned to Mom, her eyes could move but the rest of her was just as stiff as everyone else. Her eyes were blinking at such a rapid pace she looked like a computer glitch.

The elevator dinged again, with the silence in the building the sound seemed to be amplified in that big space. In strode five of the most amazing guys I have ever seen. The one in front of the pack had wavy dark brown hair hanging just past his shoulders. His arms looked as big as a lumberjack packed in a tight t-shirt. The rest of his frame was thin, those arms really stood out. Looking at him caused such a weird feeling in my stomach that I forgot to be afraid. He was calming somehow, and I was pulled to him.

I was hoping they could offer some help to this crazy situation but instead they came and just stared at me, quizzical looks on their faces. They seemed mesmerized that I was not frozen like everyone else. Mom kept blinking and I started to panic.

I messaged Mom, "Can you still hear me?" Just blink once.

She stopped the rapid blinking and just gave me one long blink.

"Ok," I thought. "Are these guys werecats? Blink twice for no."

Two long blinks. If they are not like us, what are they?

"Are we in danger?" I could feel her fear now.

One long blink, and right back to the crazy blinking marathon.

Not knowing what to do, I turned back to the eye candy in front of me. As soon as I looked in leader boys' smoky gray eyes my insides went to water. It was like my bones liquified. Why couldn't I form thoughts when I looked at him?

One of the goons in the back grabbed my arm and started leading me away. The leader kept my focus and I just walked with them. I couldn't stop myself. Besides, wouldn't everything be better if I just went with him. I mean, look at those eyes.....

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