Chapter Seventeen

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Reminiscing was fun, and all these childhood memories had me nostalgic for the care-free days of my youth. In a few short hours I would be officially eighteen.

High school was a distant memory having graduated early. I still trained with the local werecats here in California, until everyone else's school year was done. My days were spent studying whatever I wanted, I usually chose battle strategy.  In a few short days we would all be making the permanent move to Egypt, and I needed to be ready.

On my eighteenth birthday many things would take place. I would take over the Pride as Alpha, I would be crowned Princess Katalea, and as the werecat world had not had a princess in thousands of years, it would be quite a celebration. I would also be eligible to find my mate. This thought excited me and terrified me at the same time.

We would celebrate at home here in typical human fashion. Music, food, friends, and more food. Many of the kids from the high school actually had become decent people in the last year and all were invited. Dalya and I had formed a truce. Still not the best of friends, I was her alpha, and she was in my Pride. It was my duty to look out for her. Understanding and accepting our roles had mellowed all those years of jealousy.

We still trained together often, just about every day. She had taught me so much. Every time she would knock me down, I would just growl and get back up. There were even occasions when she would be on the sore end of a knock down. Those were the greatest days! I'm talking, heading to town and getting a triple scoop of ice cream kind of days! We were now the top two warriors, we only had each other to offer a challenge. This frustrated the males, but in a feline world, it is often the she-cat who does the hunting. Our training sessions were vicious, and often drew a crowd.

Abe was usually nearby while we were sparring. I never really knew who side he was on, but I appreciated him being there. I had been dating Abe for the last year, and while things hadn't gotten too physical, I assumed he would be my mate and we would fight for the freedom of our people together. Being mated to the princess did not make you a prince, but he would carry the weight and privilege of an alpha, answerable only to me.

Dakari and Maggie had gone back to Egypt for our senior year. Their mother had taken ill and wanted to spend her last year in her home, not in some foreign land. Grandfather had released them from their duty immediately and they were gone within hours, leaving a hole in my heart for the only friend on this side of the Atlantic I had ever had. I couldn't wait to get back to Maggie.

Truthfully, Dakari had saved my life many times with his insistence for perfection in my training. When I took my place as Princess, he would always have a place in the Royal Court. I am hoping he would stay on as my special counsel. I valued his advice as my Grandfather did Mr. Kalb.

A glass dropped and broke in the kitchen bringing me out of my reverie. Workers were making last minute touch ups everywhere. The house was lit up and music blared. Dad wanted to go all out on this party before his little girl went off to "college."

The caterers and party planners had everything in place when the first guest arrived. The theme for the night was "Mindnight Stroll" and everyone was asked to wear black. I would make my entrance at midnight in a shimmery ivory slip of a dress tag would cause my father a few grey hairs. I couldn't wait to see Abe's reaction. As for now I hid upstairs and watched everyone arrive.

As I watched from my hiding spot, teens mingled, talked and ate. There was so much food, and I laughed when some of the football team spiked the punch. They were so obvious about it, I'm sure they wanted the girls to see.

Alcohol would have no affect on werecats buy my parents were fond of saying, "Boys will be boys." What a ridiculous statement. I sent a mental message to mother to distract the boys and replace the punch before anything could go wrong. In my limited experience, human boys acted very bizarre under the influence, often fighting over imagined insults. I didn't want this party to be the cause of the destruction of the house.

Speaking of boys, my brothers had arrived home a few days ago, not a girlfriend in sight. I teased that they would not be lonely long as I thought of all the girls at my school that would kill for a chance to get near them. Hopefully they would make sure the girls were over eighteen.

They claimed that they had changed, settled down and focused on their education. They had taken extra course work loads and would graduate early and set out to be the best architects this world had ever seen. The memory of their constant building sets had tears threatening, and I hugged them close. This might be the last time I would see them. I would carry their scent with me always.

It amazed me that we lived in the same house and never really knew each other. We were strangers that shared the same DNA. I loved them, but they were human, and I did not feel a responsibility to them.

At midnight, the big rental clock began to gong, its sound echoing throughout the house. I was in my appointed spot at the top of the stairs. All eyes were on me an I descended those steps. I had practiced this countless times, so I wouldn't end up in a heap at the bottom of the stairs. I had not spent much time in heels or dresses thus far in life, and did not want to make a fool of myself.

I had assumed that when I saw Abe in his appointed spot, waiting for me at the bottom of the staircase, that I would feel the mating bond of the werecat. This did not happen. Nothing. Hmmm.... maybe it takes a while to kick in. I walked in on the arm of my father and Abe to the thunderous applause of our friends and family. It was my time to shine.

We danced and laughed and overall had a great time. Abe pulled me into the garden to be alone.

"Did you feel anything?" He asked.

"No, I thought for sure I would. I answered a bit huskily. I was still very attracted to him. "I was born at night, maybe we have to wait till then."

He kissed me then. Not soft and warm like the other times, but rough and demanding. "I will make you mine even if it's not meant." He panted, his eyes smoky with lust.

I pulled away. "No!" I would not do anything to disrespect my Pride, or my parents. "We're in the garden. Get a hold of yourself! I told you, maybe we'll feel the bond later today"

"I won't let anyone else get a chance to have you," He said fiercely. "I have waited long enough."

At this, he grabbed me and tried to force me down. "No!" I said again. "Not like this!" He was much stronger that me, I started to get a little scared. I knew he could scent my fear, I was hoping it would bring him to his senses, and not further his possessive passion.

I imagined my father coming and instantly I could hear shoes on the back steps. Abe jumped away from me, all apologetic looking now. There was a new look in his eye I didn't recognize. He scared me. I was used to his mood swings and sultry ways but this was an inner anger. He reigned it in before Dad could get too close. Dad probably wouldn't have noticed anyway. He only had eye for me tonight.

"Hello, Sir" Abe started.

"Hello Abe," father interrupted before Abe could go on. "I have come to steal my daughter away for a dance. You have been monopolizing her time all night."

I giggled and hooked an arm through his. I knew Abe was aware that I had brought Dad to me supernaturally. I didn't care, I knew he couldn't go tell his father. Ironic how the others that Abe had worried about had been my father. We left Abe in the garden without a glance back. Dad and I danced and reminisced about our lives, the problem with Abe forgotten for the moment.

"You and Mom will have the house to yourselves now. Whatever will you do with that much space?" I asked, looking at him with my best "daddy's little girl" expression.

He chuckled as I batted my eyelids, "We've thought about it and decided to retire next year. We're going to travel!"

Mom magic at its best. What a great way to keep them safe whilst the werecat war would be raging. Chances are she would be able to leave him in some dusty museum for a few days without him even noticing and come help out. Without having her cat, Mom might be more dangerous with us, I thought. Better that she was off with Dad in some remote part of the world.

The party wound down near two, and as everyone left Abe tried to get me alone again. I was prepared for him this time and always had a smiling twin brother on my arm. I think they understood enough of the situation and had no problem with their role as little sister protector.

I had a lot to think about if Abe wasn't my mate.

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