Chapter 4

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The Singhanias were a high-class family with higher standards and a person like Meera was certainly couldn't be accepted by some in this rich family. Belonging from a high middle-class yet loving Bengali family, Meera had never expected to get married to one of the leading businessmen of India.

When they had received a marriage proposal from Tanisha Singhania, Yuvaan's mother, her family was beyond glad as their daughter would get all the happiness that they couldn't give.

If only Meera knew that some weren't happy with the decision of Tanisha Singhania. Indira and Roop were someones who didn't like Meera at first sight.

Though Meera was always polite and treated them like her own family but they seemed to not like the fact that she was some who wasn't from their class.

Did Yuvaan feel the same just like Indira and Roop... at one point, Meera thought but shrugged the idea as quickly as it came. She wouldn't be able to bear the same hatred of Yuvaan as Indira and Roop if he didn't like her for not being his standard.

She was bending down and picking up the broken pieces of the vase that she had accidentally broken and after urging Roop to not speak anything that considered her family.

Though she treated and considered Singhania family as her own but she was never going to allow any badmouth about her family even if that meant to fight with the world.

Gosh, she missed her parents so much... she thought and decided to give them a call after completing her work. She never met them after their wedding and it was about to be around one year.

She knew her mother could have been so disappointed with her but she had responsibilities here too.

Meera wondered what if Indira came to know that she had broken a vase. Surely, it wasn't a big thing for Singhanias but that old woman wouldn't leave another chance left unturned to taunt her.

She had been just completed cleaning up when she saw Dhruvika coming towards her with a dismayed face. "What happened? Didn't you see him?" inquired Meera and got a nod from Dhruvika.

"His car went away before I could catch up with him," she replied and Meera placed her hand on Dhruvika's shoulder for comfort and understanding.

"He will be okay. He has to be," confronted Meera and Dhruvika let out a sad sigh. "We have to visit Panah. We have a lot of work to do. How about we ask Dhwani to accompany us sometime?" Dhruvika tried suggesting while walking along with her elder sister-in-law.

"Someday, not now. Dhwani has to visit her parents today as part of the ritual," throwing the pieces in the bin, Meera reminded.

* * * *

She looked at Rudra doubtfully and Rudra could feel fear creeping in his veins. "Wh-at happened," he cursed himself mentally for stammering in front of her.

"What do you mean what happened?" Dhwani walked across the room and looked at her reflection in the mirror.

"I mean did you hear anything weird?" asked Rudra, regretting a while for asking the question in which she had darted her eyes at him.

"Oh, I heard your mother in anger banging her fist on the kitchen island and it got cracks. Those are the words of servants," humouredly replied Dhwani and he clenched his eyes shut.

Not even a day had passed by and his wife was trying to get on his nerves... girls... he rolled his eyes at her and moved outside without even acknowledging her.

Dhwani wondered what had gone wrong now that her husband left without saying a word. He is bipolar... concluded Dhwani and unwantedly moved to follow him.

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