3. A New Crew

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Stefanie's POV
As Mack and I are driving to school she plays the music this time since I played it Friday.

"So, how are you feeling today?" She knows about the family secret. She's known about it since grade 5, on accident.

"Better, I guess, just trying to live life as best as possible." I tell her honestly

"Well I know you and you're a bad ass, who has been through hell and has grown stronger by each year. You got this and I'll be there holding your hands the whole journey. Even after you become human, I promise." Mackenzie is the best

"I know and thank you, I'll always be there for you too after. You're right as well, I grow stronger every year. So this year I'm going to be even stronger." I encourage myself

"That's my girl" She tells me and when we get to school we see Alexis, our other best friend who also knows my secret. She sees us and gets all excited.

"What's up?" I ask her and her brown hair bounces as she jumps up and down.

"Justin Callice just asked me out!" Alexis tells us and we hug her.

"Finally! You've been flirting with him for four months now." I tell her and she motions behind me.

"Boyfriend alert" She says and it's Ben, Mackenzie's boyfriend.

"Has your aunt Bonnie figured out a way to get your uncle back?" Mackenzie whispers "No but I'm scared if she goes to far she'll hurt herself or worse. I don't know what I'd do without her." I tell her

"I know, you're still stopping her every time she goes to far right?" She asks me "Of course" "Than she'll be fine, she's tough. Just like you"

"Hey! Who's up for a party just us though? We haven't done it in a while." Mackenzie asks us

"I'm in!" We all say at the same time. "Great and it's at your house Stef because..." Mack tries to say but I already know what she's going to say.

"Because it's the biggest one. I know the 'rule'" I tell her and everyone laughs with me and Mackenzie gets excited.

"Awesome! We need this guys because things have been crazy that we've barely seen each other." She points out and we nod in agreement.

"Movie or no?" Alexis suggests "No, just catching up" I tell her and we agree on that.

Stefanie Salvatore (Vampire Diaries)  (Completed) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now