20. The Baddest Bitch Is Back

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Damon's POV
Elena and I got a text from Stefanie saying to pick her up at the town park which is weird because it's 9:00 pm and we thought she was at Mackenzie's place for the night to relax her mind. Why at the town park? Something doesn't feel right about this.

Elena get's in my car fast with Stefan and I just speed drive to the town park. Once I get there I park on the grass and we run out fast. The hell, Katherine? She's holding our daughter hostage and has a stake in her hand at Stefanie's heart.

"How the hell are you alive?" Stefan asks her "I came back with you because we died together remember. Bonnie forgot about that I guess and didn't protect me away from her bringing you back. So in the process she brought me back too. Your daughter is annoying Damon, just like you by the way." Katherine explains

"Let her go!" Elena yells at her and Katherine laughs. "Alright" She says and jabs Stefanie lightly without killing her in her leg and she falls with a painful scream in agony. Elena runs up to her but two guys grab Elena and I.

"This is going to be fun. Stefanie was really trying to fight me to. She's a tough little vampire I'll give her that. Oh and, I know she's half and I know her left side is pure human. It makes her weaker" Katherine grabs a knife and we try and save Stefanie.

"Katherine don't! She has nothing to do with you. You are angry at Stefan and I not her. Stefanie has never met you in the past. Leave her alone and come after me instead." I demand Katherine and she looks at me with a smirk.

"That is very fatherly of you Damon. I am quite impressed with you. I figured you as a father you would ruin your kids and let them survive on their own. Guess I was wrong, or maybe time will come to tell." Katherine tells me and she puts the knife in Stefanie and decides to throw her to a tree against her hips.

"Stefanie!" "Katherine!" Elena and I yell out with Stefan and Stefanie coughs and quickly gets up with her vampire speed.

"I'm fine" She grunts out "Aren't you brave little one? You definitely have the problem with acting strong like your father. Why am I not surprised?" Katherine mentions and Stefan comes out of nowhere finally and grabs Katherine by the neck.

"Leave her alone Katherine, she's not another one of your enemies. If you want to come after someone come after Damon and I instead. Not my niece and his daughter and wife." Stefan tells her with anger.

"You really are uncle of the year aren't you?" Katherine tells him "Stefanie run home now!" Elena yells at her "But..." "Go!" Elena and I say to her and she looks at us worriedly but runs back home fast. I finally get stronger than these two guys and rip mine off of my neck and snap his body in half and do the same with the guy holding Elena.

"Oooh look at you two. So tough and brave as parents." Katherine sarcastically and I speed to Katherine and throw her against one of the town buildings. I grab Elena's hand and we run home with Stefan. Stefanie is at the kitchen table with Bonnie healing her left side hip. As she does I can see the pain in my daughter's eyes so I quickly hold her hand as Bonnie heals her. Elena runs to her quickly and sits down in front of her with her hand on her back. Stefanie starts grunting with the pain and Caleb runs downstairs.

"What the hell is going on? What happened to her?" He asks us

"Katherine hurt her" I tell him and as Bonnie uses her magic Stefanie screams in pain.

"Ok one more heal Stef and than I'm done. Just deep breaths" Bonnie assures her and Elena rubs her back and I put her head on my shoulder as she keeps screaming horridly in my ear. Stefanie has been through too much and she doesn't deserve any of it. "Stefan grab a bucket she's gonna puke up her blood. Now!" Bonnie tells him and he grabs one fast from the sink door and as soon as he gets to Stefanie she pukes up a lot of blood.

"Caleb grab her a blood bag." Elena tells him so we can give her some fresh blood when she is healed. He gets one and hands it to Elena and Stefanie starts sweating and her eyes are getting harder to keep open. "You'll be ok honey, almost done. Right Bon?" Elena asks her

"Almost, just need to keep it healed properly. You can do this Stefanie. Deep breaths" Bonnie tells her and I rub Stefanie's hand and her head. She looks like she's about to pass out with the last one. She pukes up blood one more time but it was less. "Ok, your done, deep breaths." Bonnie tells her and Stefanie tries to talk but Bonnie stops her. "Don't talk save your breath. I know what you're going to say, you're welcome. You two have her rest for 3 days. Keep her home until than. She took a lot of blood out with this one." Bonnie says in a strained tone. Elena hugs her and whispers to her and Bonnie whispers back. I'm too scared to leave Stefanie's side quickly so I just grab Bonnie's hand.

"Thank you Bon Bon" I tell her and she smiles at me. "Call me if anything else happens." Bonnie tells us and she leaves.

"Here, I'll get her to her bed." I say as I pick up Stefanie in my arms and she's shaking from puking. She curls in closer to me and I hold her tighter. When I get her to her bed she grabs my hand.

"Thank you for always saving me. All of you" Stefanie says with her eyes closed. "We're your parents, it's what we do. Now get some sleep, you need it." I put her lighter blanket on her so she doesn't get to warm and put a ice pack on her head to help the sweating and body heat. Stefanie starts to relax better with it on. When I get up slowly she grabs my arm.

"Can you stay until I fall asleep? I don't want to be alone right now." She asks me and I sit back next to her on her bed. "Of course I can" I kiss her head and she curls in her bed more and starts to fall asleep fast. I'll stay with her a bit longer. Than I see Elena at her door with tears in her eyes.

"How's she doing?" She asks me with a shaky tone. "Being our brave and strong Stefanie but she's exhausted." I tell her and I slowly get up because I can tell Elena wants to talk and I close her door gently.

"Damon, we almost lost her again. Katherine almost killed our daughter. She suffered too much tonight. It was horrid" Elena tells me with panic and I hold her tight and rub her back. "She's with us still, our strong and brave daughter is still here. She'll be ok" I tell Elena and Stefan comes up.

"Hey, how is she?" He asks and Elena looks at him. "Drained" Elena says and I can tell he wants to talk to just me. "I'll be downstairs" Elena says and rubs my shoulder as she gets down stairs.

"You guys ok?" Stefan asks "After almost losing our daughter again, no. I'm sorry you had to see that pain from her too Stefan. It's terrifying" I apologize to him and he looks down.

"It was but I'm glad I was there for her and you guys. She's one tough little vampire isn't she?" Stefan mentions "Yeah, that she is. I'm a gonna have some bourbon, you want a glass?" I ask him and out my hand on his shoulder. "No I'm ok, I'll stay by her door though in case she needs anything. You guys get some rest though ok." Stefan helps

"Stefan you don't have to." I tell him "It's my turn now, go. You've guys have done this way too much. Now I'm helping out, go." He offers "Thanks" I look at him as I walk down stairs and than grab a glass of bourbon and sit next to Elena on the couch as she puts her head on my shoulder.

"She's still here" Elena says with relief "She's still here" I say back and kiss her forehead as Elena wraps her arms around my waist and puts her head on my shoulder. What a day filled with hell.

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