11. Dance Your Heart Out Pt. 1

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Stefanie's POV
Lucy, aunt Caroline, Caleb, Sam, Mackenzie, Ben, Alexis, Justin, uncle Stefan, mom and I are at the school gym right now after school helping set up the dance. Dad only wanted to do the chaperone part for helping out.

"Stefanie can you grab me those streamers?" Aunt Caroline asks me "Sure" I say and grab the box of streamers in the middle of the gym floor with the rest of the decorations. I hand them to her and she says, "Thanks". I notice uncle Stefan struggling with the banner so I help him lift it up.

"Thanks, can you grab the tape too?" He asks me and I do and hand it to him and tape my side.

"You two get the food and drinks tables in." Aunt Caroline tells us "Now!" She tells at us and we speed to get away from her and look for the table.

"You gotta love aunt Caroline's leadership sometimes." I joke with uncle Stefan.

"This is nothing, she's been ten times worse than this. Be careful when it starts to get to the time of the dance that's when she gets angry." Uncle Stefan warns me as we bring the table in the gym and start to whisper.

"Oh I know, this isn't my first dance with aunt Caroline." I tell him

"You know I can hear you two right." Aunt Caroline says as she looks at us. "Sorry Care" Uncle Stefan apologizes "Get the food and drinks on the table." She says and we smile and get them fast.

"You gotta still love her though. Even though she gets like this she gets things done." I tell him "True, she's the best at organizing and planning." He says and the tables are finished and aunt Caroline comes up to us.

"Thank you, no Alexis! It's blue than gold!" Aunt Caroline yells at her as she's doing streamers.

"Oh oh, Alexis is in trouble by the dance police." I joke and we laugh. My phone goes off and it's dad.

"Who's phone is that? I said no phones" Aunt Caroline says "It's just my dad aunt Caroline." I tell her and she rolls her eyes. I answer and she walks away annoyed.

"We could really use your help." I tell him "And get risked having the wrath of vampire Barbie, pass. Anyways, I just called to remind you to be careful about Katherine. Watch out for anything suspicious. She likes to have stalkers around doing her dirty work for her. Just be careful" Dad warns me

"Ok, we will, thanks for letting me know dad." I tell him "Yeah, again good luck with crazy blondie." Dad says and we hang up fast and I get back to work.

"Sam no! No spicy food! It will stink in here!" Aunt Caroline yells at him.
"Oh come on, we need some more flavour in the food." Sam wines
"No Sam! Take those back to where you found them. You know what just throw them in the trash because it's disgusting." Aunt Caroline tells him and he walks up to me.

"Your aunt Caroline has lost it." Sam tells me "Sam! Now!" She yells and he leaves to probably just put them in his car.

"Stefan and Stefanie I need your guys strength to move those bleachers." Aunt Caroline tells us and we go and push them out on either side. "Perfect, right out the door." She stops as we move them in that direction and set them against the wall.

"Elena I need that purple light turned on that's on the ceiling to give the floor more colour because of how gross it is." Aunt Caroline demands mom and does with aunt Bonnie's help since it's so high.

"Why is Sam not back yet!" Aunt Caroline notices he's still at his car. "I'll go get him" I offer "Thank you Stefanie" She says annoyed and I speed out to his car and there he is.

"Sam come on before my aunt Caroline kills you." I try and make him go faster. "Yeah ok, geeze she really needs to learn to relax." Sam complains

"That's just the way she is. You either love her for it or hate it. Which it better not be hate." I warn him "I don't hate her she just gets too bossy." He explains and I grab his arm and walk him back to the gym before aunt Caroline finds us.

"Owe! So are you! Geez you don't need to pull that hard." He wines "Sorry, I never know when I'm using vamp strength sometimes." I apologize and let go of him. "Thank you" Sam says and we run back to the gym.

"Finally! What the hell were you thinking Sam! Chop chop! These decorations aren't going to decorate themselves!" She yells and he gets the lights.

After an hour later we're finished and dad walks in and I go up to him and punch him in the arm.

"Blondie driving you crazy?" Dad asks us "Thanks for leaving us to the monster." Mackenzie tells him and he just smiles at aunt Caroline.

"Hey, Mystic Queen you really need to learn when to sit back and have fun." Dad tells her and she looks at him in anger. "There's the look" Dad says and mom and I roll our eyes.

"Alright everything looks good, just could've been faster guys." Aunt Caroline tells us

"Hey babe, you want to get ready at my place?" Ben asks Mackenzie "Can't the girls and I are getting ready at Stefanie's." Ben looks at me annoyed.

"Hey don't look at me! It was my aunt Caroline's idea." I tell him and he looks at her.

"That's faster that way" She says "No get ready!" She yells at us and the girls and I go to my place in a hurry to get ready.

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