12. Dance Your Heart Out Pt. 2

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Stefanie's POV
Mackenzie, Alexis and I are getting all prepped up in my room and I can't choose a dress. Either my black sparkly dress with thin straps or my light purple dress that is just plain solid knot high low. I think I might go with the purple. I grab my white heels and do my hair and light makeup. I'm all ready, I put my hair in curls with a small flower pin in it to hold it together.

"You look beautiful Stef!" Alexis compliments me and Mackenzie looks up at the door and I look and see dad leaning against it and smiling big at me.

"What?" I ask him "Quit growing up, you're too beautiful. If boys keep looking at you, let me know which ones and I'll kill them for you. I can be quick with that too or make it painful." Dad tells me and I smile at him. Than uncle Stefan comes up at the door.

"You do look beautiful Stefanie." He tells me

"So who gets to dance with you first? Better be me since I am the one who has actually watched you grow up." Dad messes with uncle Stefan and damn dad, that was harsh I'm not going to lie. Uncle Stefan looks down and I look at dad.

"Because you said that it's going to be uncle Stefan, sorry." I answer his question and dad looks at me annoyed and mom walks in.

"Honey you look absolutely beautiful. Same you guys, what beautiful girls you are." Mom tells us and we all smile at her.

Us 3 drive in Mackenzie's car and get there just in time. When we get there I see dad's car and dad and uncle Stefan pop out. They're chaperoning the dance since we have not many parents helping. Justin and Ben come in and grab the girls and I just follow them into the gym.

"I wish they did something about that smell." Alexis mentions and it does stink in here. I look up and see Caleb and Lucy dancing. As we dance together as a group and the band aunt Caroline hired is playing I notice Lucy and Caleb fighting. She tries to walk away from him but Caleb grabs her hand.

"Caleb please, just leave me alone." I hear Lucy say and she leaves him alone on the dance floor. I go up to him and he looks upset.

"What was that about?" I ask him "She's worried that I will turn at some point. I told her that you guys are good at stopping that from happening but she wouldn't listen." Caleb tells me

"I'll go talk to her. She might understand it more coming from one of us." I help him out and he smiles at me. "Thanks Stef" He says and I go out and find her. I know she went out the gym. When I find her she's at the lunch tables crying.

"Lucy, it's me Stefanie, can we talk?" I ask her and she wipes her tears and looks up at me and nods yes. I sit next to her and she looks at me. "Look, Caleb won't turn, we promise. We've protected him from that since he was born. Yes there have been close calls but he's still human and he will stay this way. I promise you that he'll be safe. Caleb's my little brother, I wouldn't want him going through this. I wouldn't wish this life upon anyone." I explain to her

"You promise?" She asks me "I promise Lucy, go back to him and have some fun ok." I tell her and she gets up and walks back out there and I follow her. When I get back she found him fast and they talk and dad comes up to me.

"What's going on there?" Dad asks me "Lucy's worried Caleb will turn but I told her how protective we can be for him. She's scared about it" I inform dad "Well she has nothing to worry about." Dad says and a slow song starts to play so he holds a hand out in front of me.

"Would you care to dance my beautiful daughter?" Dad asks me and I smile. "I would love too" He just smiles at me.

"What?" I ask him "You just have your mother's beauty and my good looks too with the eyes." Dad tells me

"Well thank you" I say to him "You're welcome, I wish you were 5 again. Wearing those cute dresses and dancing around the house. You would even show off your speed but it would backfire because you would end up hitting the wall but you never cried when you did. Well you cried once when you did that the first time but the next times you knew what it felt like so you were being this tough girl and showing off. You get that from me and I'm proud of you for that." Dad reminisces

"I remember doing that, still have one of the bumps after all these years." I joke but I actually do, it's on the top of my head but it's very small.

"You were such a weird kid because you never did anything wrong. It was rare when we had to ground you. We're proud of you for how well you've done." Dad tells me and I smile at him big.

"Thank you dad, it means a lot." I say to him and he smiles at me. "You're welcome" He kisses my forehead and Alaric comes up to us, he still works at the school as the history teacher.

"Hey guys, are you liking the dance?" He asks us as dad and I let go. "Yes very much so" I answer him and uncle Stefan comes up to us.

"Do you mind Damon? Never had a dance with her." Uncle Stefan guilt trips him and I roll my eyes. Dad let's go and raises his hands up. "Go right ahead brother" Dad allows and I laugh a little and uncle Stefan takes my hand and we dance now.

"You know when you were little in dance class I would watch you and I could tell how much you loved it. You had this big smile on your face every class. You took corrections very well and improved every class. I wish you were still in dance." Uncle Stefan mentions, what is it with dad and uncle Stefan going back in time?

"Well I would've been able to stay if it wasn't for the blood lust. A lot of the kids would get hurt and start to bleed." I whisper around him

"Fair enough, well at least you take writing classes which we all know you're very talented at. You get that from your mom. Can I read one of your stories?" Uncle Stefan asks me

"Sure, I'll give you one that's not too personal." I allow "Fair enough, again" Uncle Stefan looks down and he looks a bit upset.

"What's wrong?" I ask him "It's just I've missed so much with you. I wish I could've really been there for you not just in spirit form. Actually hug you when you were upset or helped you through your... ripper side. I blame Katherine Pierce" I feel so bad for him right now, he really wanted to be there through it all.

"You were there with us. Maybe not in the way we all wanted but you never left us. We always felt you there." I assure him and he smiles at me.

"Good, I was hoping that was the case." He tells me and we keep dancing.

The dance is over after a few hours later and I tell Mackenzie and Alexis that I just want to be with my family. So aunt Caroline ordered Chinese food and we just talked for hours and everyone told us stories. I love my family more than anything.

Stefanie Salvatore (Vampire Diaries)  (Completed) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now